Prostitution ad makes it onto U.K. government job website

Jan 2, 2014
Sex Work News
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Britain’s Department of Works and Pensions said a prostitution job posting on its website was removed after one day because it was “inappropriate.”

The advertisement, posted Dec. 23 on the department’s Direct Gov job posting website, was from a business dubbed Horny Escorts and offered a $16.57-per-hour position with “no experience necessary” but applicants “must like sex,” the UK’s Mirror reported Tuesday.

“Female worker wanted to go out with guys maybe for evening or have full on sex,” the posting read.


There was even an option for users to select a from a drop-down menu to ‘tell us why you don’t wish to apply for this job’…


“I put the advert up there because it’s a job site and it’s a job. I was a bit shocked they allowed it,” the manager of Horny Escorts said. “I also do deliveries and I had posted an ad for a same-day delivery service and then I just put the escorting one underneath it. The advert says ‘must like sex’ because if a man pays for it obviously he’s going to want that. I thought the Department of Works and Pensions would admin it. I didn’t know it would go straight online.”

A spokesman for the department said the ad was taken down the day after it was posted.

“The post was inappropriate and was taken down next day,” he said. “When advertising jobs, employers have to agree to terms and conditions. Where an inappropriate job is identified it is quickly removed.”

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