Revenge Porn Site Shut Down After Domain Purchased By Bullyville

Apr 20, 2012
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A ‘revenge porn’ website has been shut down after it was bought by an anti-bullying group – but eyebrows have been raised as the new owner runs a remarkably similar service.

Hunter Moore, 26, this week sold – where people were encouraged to send in intimate pictures of their exes – to for an undisclosed fee.

Changes: has shut down, but eyebrows have been raised as it also runs this site called

He said he cut the deal to ‘stand up for under-age bullying’, with its new patrons saying the controversial site ‘served no public good’ and ‘that is why it’s offline’.

But Bullyville’s founder James McGibney is under fire for his affiliated site – where people are asked to post photos of people ‘who have wronged them’.

This is because there is little way of confirming concretely that each of the hundreds of submissions have indeed been unfaithful, or whether the posting is part of a bullying vendetta.

Los Angeles-based Moore earned up to $20,000 each month from his site, run by a team of four, that attracted more than 300,000 hits each day and became popular across the world.

It would see subscribers publishing their ex-partner’s pictures, their full name and links to the social networking sites – all without their permission.

They would then inevitably be ridiculed and often forced to shut down their profiles. Initially, the site was set up to sell merchandise and promote music club nights.

But, in a letter detailing his decision to sell the firm, he revealed he struggled to make ends meet and turned to porn to make money.

Confession: Hunter Moore, 26, posted this letter on the Bullyville site where he revealed why he had sold

He wrote: ‘The bills were getting too insane and I had to turn to the porn game for extra money but it’s too shady and, in my opinion, it ruined the site.’

Constantly threatened with legal action by people whose pictures appeared, he was also warned by Facebook because many of the photographs were lifted from the site.

He reportedly ignored a cease and desist letter from the web giant, and said he sent the social networking site’s lawyers a picture of his genitals in reply.

The purchased domain now redirects straight to the Bullyville site, where letters from Moore and McGibney have been posted.

Moore wrote: ‘Running this site has been an uphill battle to say the least.  

‘From the server company’s bills to the lawyers taking people’s money promising they could get your images down to Facebook, PayPal, Live Nation, A Day to Remember and the countless others who tried to shut me down, beat me up or the girl who stabbed me and yet we are still here.

‘The site was a blessing for me and still is, but I am burned out and I honestly can’t take another underage kid getting submitted and having to go through the process of reporting it and dealing with all the legal drama of that situation.’

McGibney said he ‘commended’ Moore for ‘having the courage to write this letter, knowing that he’s going to face a massive amount of negativity for doing so.’

He said: ‘I’ve known Hunter for quite some time now, and the fact of the matter is that he’s a very smart guy.  While he has been misguided, he is very astute and socially observant.

‘His ability to not only capture the attention of young people, but to spur them into action as well, is truly unique in an era where social media makes it so easy to be a passive consumer of information.  

‘After spending some time with him, Hunter realized that became the same exact bullying he created the site to retaliate against.’

Addressing the concerns raised over Cheaterville he added: ‘[It] is constantly accused of bullying. I disagree, as do the millions of people who use its free service.  

‘ provides a public service to people by warning them about the narcissistic and predatory individuals who use online dating sites to find innocent victims.  

‘The dating market is a marketplace like any other, and it is improved by information – including data on people who claim they are single when they are in fact married, have kids, or in some instances, conceals an STD.   

‘I’m sure I will have to deal with public blowback just as much as Hunter will.  But, I can sum up this ordeal quite simply: served no public good. That is why it is offline.’

Moore said he was now launching a new project called which would see parties organised ‘to benefit different charities’.

He added: ‘These will be some of the largest and craziest parties you will ever see with a percentage of earnings going to a range of causes.’

EXPLAINED: THE DIFFERENT WEBSITES AND WHAT THEY DO The now defunct website encouraged people to send in intimate pictures of their exes, adding their full name and links to social networking profiles.

Was threatened with legal action ‘countless times’ as photographs were put up without subject’s permission. Facebook also tried to sure for ‘taking pictures’ from the site. A free service that aims to beat bullying. Professionals and celebrities provide advice and give victims ‘the confidence to leave your anger behind’.

People invited to ‘turn experiences around, learn from each other and heed advice from experts’ who can give help you to put the pieces of life back together. Says it provides a public service by warning people about ‘narcissistic and predatory individuals who use online dating sites to find innocent victims’.

But critics say it is impossible to concretely confirm whether the people submitted are genuinely cheaters or whether their name has been added as part of a vendetta.

Source: Daily Mail

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