APAG President Wants To Be Paid For Her “Numerous Hours Of Volunteer Work”

Mar 1, 2018
Adult Business
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In a post last week I laid out APAG and felon Phylisha Ann’ money scam. Using screen caps from the unions first website as well as Phylisha Ann’s own posts, it was pretty obvious what her end game was..The post basically laid out how the union, wants to get paid off the backs of performers.

After the post, a post titled ” Porn Union: It’s Always Been About The Money & The Truth About FSC” newly installed President Alana Evans started tweeting me.. Saying the union wasn’t a money scam and they need money for things like:

So the union needs a 125 bucks a year from performers to cover hosting and legal zoom?  LOL  really?  The APAG site if lucky might see 100 clicks a day, hosting for a site like that even thru Go Daddy is around 7 dollars. The domain or URL, 10 bucks a year, and legal zoom??  Why would the union need legal zoom?  More on that in another post.

Now, I just wrote a story on the union wanting to get paid, that story was the basis for the APAG President being mean and hurting my feelings on twitter. After telling me that I just had it in for them for NO reason at all, this tweet goes out:

Now, I’m not Mike South, I don’t live with my mom, but to me, it would appear that the APAG President wants to be compensated for her “volunteer’ work.  The definition of volunteer withstanding, no one forced you to be an APAG officer.  You were appointed via a fake election, you could of done like the others who “won” and decline the position.

But you accepted, knowing at the time there was NO money on the table, but you took it anyway. Why would you do that? Did someone tell you that at some point you would be payed for your service as APAG officer?   And, if someone did tell you that, then every time I say the fake union is about people getting a pay check im right.

So if you need to collect dues to be a “legal” union, how come in APAG’s first set of fillings it shows $0 dues collected?  Does that mean APAG wasn’t legal it’s first year?  And according to this post, APAG hasn’t started collecting at all. Which would mean, according to your tweet, that APAG or IEAU hasn’t been legit since day one.

As this point, the twitter convo lead to me asking about elections. I was told they all had 3 year terms:


In an industry were the average performer lasts about 8 months, APAG wants them to give APAG money to pay salaries to a group of people they most likely will never meet, or elect…

The reason for the 3 years, according to the APAG President:

So I guess running APAG is harder then being in the US House Of Representatives, who only serve 2 year terms..Seems legit

I’m sure some will think I’m attacking Alana, I’m not, I’m attacking the way she got to where she is, sort of like the Trump hacking, he allegedly became President in a nefarious way, only with Alana, it wasn’t Putin, it was Felon Phyllisha Ann.

I really have no idea what Alana’s intentions are, why she’s doing what she’s doing. From what I can gather, she wants to do the right thing, at least publicly, the issue lies with the head of the union and how all the officers got there spots..

And NO need to thank me for the post APAG, by the time im done you’ll have more members then the Teamsters.

Make your union free for the next year and a half or however long your term is and I’ll pay the hosting and renewal starting with this month…..

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6 years ago

Paid for volunteering? Ha. Nice post

6 years ago

Id like to see a porn parody done as if it were a union set. “Whoa, whoa. She’s not an Anal Whore, she’s just an Apprentice BJ Girl. Stop this scene. We need to get the Shop Steward to file a complaint and call the Union Hall to get an Anal Whore down here…..OK, I called the Hall, Nina Hartley is on her way. Listen buddy, I don’t care if the title is Turdburgled Teens, Nina has seniority, so she’s in line for the gig. It is acting, throw a school girl skirt on her and put her in pigtails… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s not about the money haha

Fetish Artist
6 years ago

As a member in good standing of the Teamsters, I think you’ve pointed out a critical flaw in the current situation. While yes, there are quite a few paid union positions. Typically, business agent is the paid entry level position. The agent backs shop stewards, organizes workers, and handles mid-level disputes between workers and employers. There are many other paid positions in unions like the Teamsters. However, unions like the Teamsters are lot looking for short term employees (not to be confused with independent contractors). For example, if someone says “I only want to be working in trucking for six… Read more »

Gene Ross
6 years ago

Alana: First let me be frank you never answered my last e-mail when Stormy Daniels made a mess of her little scam job. You and Jessica Drake supporting her makes no sense to me againt President Trump. This seems like some sort of desperation attempt at connecting no body porn sex workers to an elected offical for publicity reasons… Trump can pay for sure and it wont hurt him to do that but he can also bite back pretty hard as he has the resources to pretty much destroy all 3 of you if he were to decide to do… Read more »

Vern Nickerson
Vern Nickerson
6 years ago

Holy actual fuck…On a total side note. I seen Gene’s Ross had posted a comment and i was expecting a crazy fn rant ALL IN CAPS POPPING OFF ABOUT SOME FAGHAGS OR COCO. Figured it had to be Donkey Long using your handle again to post more verbal diarrhea .
Good to see you are alive and well Gene. I hope you and yours are in good health, content and enjoying life. Best Regards Lucifuge1973.

P.s. Ever catch up and shoot the shit with Gram P these days? Thanks

Gene Ross
6 years ago

Vern: Thank you for the kind comment. Sadly Mr. Seoane has done serious damage to my old website AdultFYI and he has managed to open a fake twitter (locked)http://twitter.com/generossisback where he has libeled and slandered many performers as well as myself. Donny Long is seriously mentally deranged damaged goods. He is ruined and he did it all to himself and my suggestion is everyone needs to ignore him. He lays in the bed he made for himself. He is old news and not worthy of good toilet paper. He has run his course on pretending he’s me and he thinks… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Gene Ross

Great to hear. So i take @meangeneross isn’t your Twatter account. Here’s a small excerpt from the pinned tweet to open the timeline…Just from the first three words i was pretty suspicious it wasn’t Gene. Gene Ross ?@MeanGeneRoss 59m59 minutes ago More Damn Eddie Donny is jealous https://sys.8ch.net/mod.php?/donkey/res/1285.html#1285 … of your girl. I guess a polish guy like you gets pretty lucky with the ladies but ole Donny not so much with that fish eyed faggot look and meth mouthed chicklet toothed grin on his pedo looking mug, his low education score… I’ll just deal with this for now **… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  gene ross

Someone who isn’t Eddie P., (<–see comma for pauses) if you are going to attempt to look like a writer you should have some basic knowledge about sentence structure and some grasp on the English language….especially grammar!! Decent grammar goes a long way when it comes to how your are perceived. A lot of people judge a writer by their education. Levels completed, awards, milestones ..etc. It sets the tone for a reader writer relationship. There's set rules for that relationship to work. One being if you are gonna tell me a believable story about someone dumber then you, you… Read more »

Gene Ross
6 years ago

Vern: Thanks. You do realize twitter has a word count limit right? Well… generossisback is Donny. My account is meangeneross. Now you know. As far as twitter goes, well I do make some type ‘o mistakes here and there. Anyway Vern, thanks for your message and your sleuth critic of my bad English… LOL… you are so right. Well be a chap and don’t let it bother you too much be assured Eddie isn’t running anything. Stop listening to Donny’s propaganda. He’s good at deflecting and lying. Again if you need to write me just e-mail direct. Sorry you have… Read more »

6 years ago

^^^Is that real Gene or Fake Gene? I miss Fake Gene Ross and Fake Mike South.

6 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Well then I am glad I didn’t waste time on an anti-Gene rant.

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