Using the freedom of information act, and with the help of a rouge porn producing preacher, a hot ebony chick, 2 Mormons, the lizards from the Budweiser commercial, and a slightly used fleshlight we were able to secure this Shelley Lubben vid.. Not sure how long the Vatican will allow this to stay up so in a effort to get it out there we just put up a clip..The rest can be seen on our next movie titled “Shelley Lubben from Hooker to Stripper with a little bit of God sprinkled in” its the story of another failed porn talent using what little dignity they had left to try an scam people for money…How this admitted Std infested, ex hooker, drug addict, and alleged rape victim used a NPO to solicit money from unsuspecting donors so she could pay herself a salary, travel, make horrible music and fund a str8 to dvd movie… Soon to be a Canes Classic our movie is directed by a Jew which automatically makes it successful, but hes just not any Jew, hes Michael Whiteacre the jewest of the jews..Playing Shelley Lubben will be none other then Kate from Kate plus 8..When interviewing she said ” who better to play a fake god loving attention whore then a fake god loving attention whore” Shelleys love interest will be played by Eric Cartman from Southpark who also created the CBAA. When asked why he deserved such a important roll based on his CBAA fame he responded with “Ma’am, the Crack Baby Athletic Association is a storied institution that was founded over twelve days ago” ..I Smell an Oscar..
Hey, it worked for Steven Spielberg why not for Michael. Seriously, I haven’t heard of a lot of Jews getting Oscars lately so the film industry is about due for a Jewish Best Motion Picture Oscar, maybe Michael will be the one!
Seriously, good luck with the film venture — even adult films take a lot of work and a little luck.