Sexy Videos Promoting Basque Language, Euskara, Cause Public Outrage

Feb 5, 2012
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Lots of things in life make no sense, Madonna performing at the super bowl, Tara Akinlose drinking slimfast, but this, this makes perfect sense

It’s not quite sex education, but several videos produced by the Fundación Leizaola and the Basque government in Spain use skin to sell young people on using Euskara, or the Basque language, El País reports, and have caused an uproar in Spain

The videos have been removed from Youtube, El Mundo notes, for using sex to encourage young people to use Euskara. Many are saying the videos were produced in “poor taste” and have a discriminatory tone against women.

According to El País, in one video, a man goes to a Euskara academy and is taken in by a ravenous woman. After she strips and they get into bed, she ends up booting him out for incorrectly answering questions in the Basque language.

In another video, two men discuss sexual conquests, according to 20 Minutos, and one describes how after sex he dropped a woman “like a bad habit.” His friend replies “that’s what women are for.” The woman overhears the conversation and suggests a threesome to get back at the men.

“They’re innovative videos, directed at a young audience,” José Antonio Dorronsoro, spokesman for the Fundación Leizaola, told El Correo.

20 Minutos reports that in addition to what many judge as poor taste, the controversy has been heightened by the Basque government spending 3,400 euros on the videos.

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