Shelley Lubben’s 2012 Tax Returns For Pink Cross Foundation: Tax Fraud

Jun 7, 2013
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As if Shelley Lubben allegedly committing a felony by defacing the Vivid Corp headquarters wasn’t enough, now we get a look at her Pink Cross Foundation 2012 tax return.

Lubben claims to have brought in roughly $137,000 in total donations — which is down by around $44,000 from 2011. I’d like to think Whiteacre exposing her and her fake charity is part of the reason… Out of the $137,000 Shelley paid herself $60,000 roughly.. Basically around 45% of Pink Cross donations go straight into Shelley’s pocket. She not only takes 60 grand off the top, but according to her returns she only works 30 hours a Must be nice.

Shelley’s Non Profit showed a loss of around $9,000 bucks. $80,000 went to other expenses.

Pink Cross Foundation-1.pdf_20130607-200305

Shelley claims to have spent $8600 dollars in 2012 on phones. Or $716 a month. I have my phones thru Verizon, i have 5 lines, with 4 iphones w/data plans. My bill for the year is roughly $3240 dollars. I also have my store and my home wired with hardlines and net for $1920 on the year. My yearly deduction is right around $5100 bucks. With that being said, my kids are on my plan.

Shelley works out of her house. How does she have $716 dollars worth of phone bills per month? Are Pink Cross donations paying for Shelleys kids to have iPhones? Lubben would have to around 12 lines all with data plans to get to $700 bucks per month..

Shelley also claims to spend $5600 a year on her websites, or $466 bucks a month. Her sites are framed, not much different then WordPress. Shelley uses GoDaddy, the most expensive plan they have is $249 a month. Keep in mind, a dedicated server like that is what the big boys use. Not someone who gets 900 visits a day on 2 sites. Looking at Shelley’s traffic, she is probably spending around $80 a month for hosting. And that’s on the high end. Site updating can be had for $50 bucks a month on elance or she can get a standby guy for $100 a month out of her local phonebook.

Shelley says she spends $5720 or $476 dollars a month on Janitorial expenses??? WTF. Using Angie’s list the average price for maid service is $25.00 a hour. Lubben would have to have the maid come once a week for 4 hours a time. Possible, of course. The question is, Why are Pink Cross Donors paying for Shelley Lubben to have a maid? I wonder how many real Christians are out there living month to month that still find a few bucks to send Shelley?

Shelley Lubbens travel came up to $12,400 or a little over $1000 a month. For what? Where does Shelley go? Her website that she pays outrageous amount for every month doesn’t show very many updates. At a minimum when Shelley is actually booked her flights are taken care of by the organization booking her

But Lubben, you know how i know your a cheating scam artist? Your PayPal deductions. You claim to have brought in 137,000 last year. And when you did your paypal deductions, you used that figure and got $3662. That’s within a few dollars of of the $137,000… Only problem is, all your $137,000 wasn’t thru PayPal..

Shelley, its one thing to cheat on your taxes. But its a whole other thing when you not only steal in the name of religion, but you take from people who really dont have it…Your a sick twisted bitch. Your worse then Donny Long, Donny is a fuck up and what you see is what you get. But you, you’re a lying swindler who steals from poor people.

See the whole return here

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11 years ago

Where’s the fucking money that Shelley collected in Savannah James’ name? That really fucking pisses me off. You know what happens when I get pissed off? I fucking smile.

11 years ago

I think Shelley charged her family’s vacation to Pink Cross last year. The only thing travel-related that I can think of that they have to pay for is their annual trip to the AVN convention (if they still do that). Since she lives relatively close to Nevada I would estimate a first-class airline ticket for two people to be less than $3000 round-trip (that is being generous, recently I found a cross-country first-class round flight for $1300 per person). Add a hotel bill of maybe $750 and food of $400 I don’t come up with $12K plus. I also call… Read more »

Abagail Apples
11 years ago

You have supplied nothing on your end but guess estimations to try to prove fraud. Where’s the concrete evidence?

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Abagail Apples

Try this: PinK Cross Apartment Rental – 1,961 APARTMENT RENTAL – 1,960 Who lives in the Pink Cross Apartment? There are were NO women in Pink Cross’ care as far as we know in 2012. Is this a way for Lubben to write off a salary benefit to one of her employees? 2010 taxes: On the 2010 Pink Cross tax return, Shelley, Roger, Scott, and Melanie are listed as UNPAID part-time employees of Pink Cross. April Garris had moved to Bakersfield in early November 2010 to work for Pink Cross, as was paid. Yet her name does not appear on… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

Interesting, also, that they switched to a 990-EZ form from their usual 990. On the 990-EZ, there’s no line asking how much of the donations were in the form of non-cash contributions. You see, Pink Cross has NEVER claimed ONE CENT in non-cash gifts — such as the items that are donated from the Pink Cross Amazon wishlist (goods, gift cards, etc..) According to former employee April Garris, these items are never even inventoried. 2012 Total income: 137,074 W2 compensation to Shelley Lubben: 35,200 Other compensation to Shelley Lubben: 22,440 Total “other” expenses: 80,727 Notice that the Pink Cross “mission… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Abagail Apples

$4,599 in office expenses. Pink Cross has no office — it’s run out of her home.

Imposter Foster
Imposter Foster
11 years ago

I have $4,599 in liquid lunch expenses every month.

11 years ago

are you still drinking plonk?

Abagail Apples
11 years ago

And you are obviously coming across as haters. How is this better than what you accuse Shelley Lubben of? Playing the devil’s advocate here.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Abagail Apples

How about the fact that we don’t ask for donations in the name of helping people in need? Or that we don’t vandalize private property? Or provide an addict with pills and alcohol? Shall I go on?

11 years ago
Reply to  Abagail Apples

Shelley, is that you behind the curtain?

By the way, Abigail is spelled with an “i”. And it is a Biblical name too.

“Haters”, as you may call us, are only seeking to expose the truth and bring justice for the people Shelley hurt. Both pro-porn and anti-porn people feel the same way. It is clear the mounting evidence shows the only person Shelley cares about is herself.

Play Devil’s Advocate all you like. Because the only “Devil” in this twisted game is Shelley Lubben.

11 years ago

I don’t know if it uncovers fraud. It sure makes me think twice before I make a donation though. The head of the Salvation Army gets paid 18K a year to run a billion dollar operation.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

@ ~ 03:20 in this video, shot one year ago, on June 3, 2012, Pink Cross co-founder Garrett Lubben claims that the president of Pink Cross will always be paid only $45,000/year

11 years ago

Garrett Lube-and-Hate needs to go fuck his wife up the ass with her eight foot staff. Shelley’s salary may be $45K but from what I see she is tallying up another $40K or so in claimed “expenses” that she uses for her own and her kids wants. That is not only illegal but immoral. Shelley claims to be a Christian minister but I only see her stealing from her “charity” left and right! I can’t say for sure if I have ever heard of Garrett claiming to be a Christian minister as well but if he does than they both… Read more »


[…] Pink Cross Foundation (she claims to help performers transition out of porn), read this: Please be aware that nearly 50 cents of every dollar goes directly in Lyin’ Lubben’s […]

11 years ago

” hey both better pray to God that the FBI and the IRS don’t look into their “charity’s” business ”

No need to worry,I just reported it to both agencies….take care shelley….

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  whistleblower

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

In 2012, Pink Cross promotions — and solicitations for donations — listed the group’s mission statement as:

“The Pink Cross Foundation is a faith-based, public charity dedicated to reaching adult industry workers offering emotional, financial and transitional support, and also offers resources to those struggling with pornography.”

Pink Cross’ 2012 tax returns states that, in 2012:

“The organization provided education to the general public and adult industry workers about the secondary negative effects of pornography.”

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

In December 2012, Garrett and Shelley wrote:

“Our family is also very involved in public service through our nonprofit, ‘Pink Cross Foundation,’ that reaches out to those struggling with pornography addiction as well as rescuing women out of sex trafficking.”

That’s a long way from “provid[ing] education to the general public and adult industry workers about the … effects of pornography.”

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

$5,172 seems like an awful lot to claim for “Utilities” when one doesn’t have an actual office, don’t you think? Is Lubben running a factory in her home office?

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

Depending on how one calculates it, Lubben spent between THREE and FOUR times as much paying herself as she allegedly did on “outreach.”

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

The very FIRST Pink Cross Foundation tax returns state that the organization was created: “To provide emotional, financial and transitional support to adult industry workers. And to reach out and educate the general public of the harms and effects of pornography. To combat community deterioration due to pornography.” Yet that has been changed to omit all mention of “emotional, financial and transitional support to adult industry workers.” It now reads: 1) To educate and provide relief for the general public from the secondary negative effects of pornography. 2) To educate and provide relief for adult industry workers from the secondary… Read more »

Jon H.
Jon H.
11 years ago

Michael, I assume you’ve already submitted IRS form 13909 to report Pink Cross violations. I just hope you submitted lots of supplemental info (such as Heather Garris’ comments, etc) along with form 13909 since the IRS receives quite a lot of tips each year but rarely opens audits unless there’s enough info shown to make them believe it’s more likely than not that the audit will bear fruit. You really make a convincing case that Pink Cross is probably paying it’s non paid workers all kinds of things informally (things which should be listed as official/taxable salaries). I’m also… Read more »


[…] you read it, it’s hard to tell it was written by a alleged felon/scam artist who preys on Christian people and leads a double life as a porn loving anti porner with a pill and […]


[…] According to the her group’s 2012 tax returns, donations were down 24% over 2011. […]


[…] Shelley the “Rebel Prophet”‘ fraudster is always looking for a way to promote her sham anti-porn nonprofit … or straight up steal from unsuspecting […]


[…] Shelley Lubben is an anti-porn evangelist and scam artist who runs a nonprofit group called Pink Cross Foundation. […]

Jody Williams
10 years ago

Has anyone contacted IRS and made a formal complaint?


[…] that the Lubbens’ charity drives are designed to benefit only the Lubbens. The group’s tax returns certainly seem to bear this […] - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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