“So, Princess asked me, would you like to try some fisting? I said “HELL YES!”- Nicki Blue

Dec 20, 2015
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A reader left this link in the TRPWL comment section..Yes, I have one reader… it sheds some serous light on Nicki Blue’s rape claims..Or at least the Princess Donna accusation..

Ok, so many of you have been waiting for me to post about my first, fisting and bottle experience so here it is;

A few weeks ago I was finishing up work @(kinklive) and I was going to go out to get some chow cause food is important after a long day of masturbating and tormenting yourself. On my way out I bumped into a few friends. Princess Donna and James Deen. We where all a bit bored so they asked me if I ever did fisiting and other odds and ends. I told them, even though I was a Virgin I still did all the other types of sex, Anal and BJs. I told them I did want to try fisiting cause it did strike me as interesting, seeing some of it done on TUF.

So, Princess asked me, ” would you like to try some fisting?” I froze …. My heart leaped cause deep down inside I have always wanted to try it. So I said “HELL YES! I would love too” So like magic, we hoped into a alley way and grabbed some lube and she started slowly and started to work her fist into my ass. At first I was scared cause I didn’t think, I ever had anything that big in my ass before but when she started it didn’t hurt?! I was so shocked cause, I thought for sure it would of felt like a baby coming out of my butt, but it was wonderful. It did take a bit of time to stretch my ass out enough to take it but she was super genital and nice threw the hole experience and I think I cam more then I ever have before in my life.

Sorry no pictures to show of this

So after that happened, We both headed back to chill. I practiced deep throat a bit on Sir Deens cock and I think I did well for that practice session. Soon after that .. some more play happened. Something that should go on the piss site one day I may add and then as Bored as we all where, we thought .. Sense we couldn’t find a trash can, what a better place for a bottle to go then in my ASS!

Yes.. so Princess shoved a bottle in my ass. It was the most alien erotic experience I have had in a long time. A bottle feels different then a hand, or cock. Almost like a suction really and it was wild. I think I cam so hard I couldn’t stand up. After this, we all where a bit tired and we called it a night. I have to say it was one of the funnest nights I have had in such a long time.p1.JPG



Huh, you don’t say?

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9 years ago

That post looks like it may be a fake. I’m not sure how, but it LOOKS like it was made to incorporate the Dec 2010 timeline from the Daily Beast. Like someone was planting evidence.


According to Jezebel, the scene was filmed Jan 15th, 2011.

Confirming: http://www.jesseparadox.com/2011/01/deflowering-catastrophe-at-kinkcom-last.html

9 years ago

I’m confused. Who would be the liar? Sean or Nicki. That pic (screen cap)was taken from internet archive. The person who originally found it wrote a blog on tumblr about it.

9 years ago

It’s looking like the Daily Mail made a misstep when they reported abuse taking place AFTER the virginity shoot. The Daily Beast corrected it, but didn’t explain it was BEFORE. Nicki was allegedly assaulted while practicing for the event, and had to choose either to leave the set, or continue on with her abusers present. That’s all too real given how people have described the abuse in the industry.


Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts
9 years ago

“That’s all too real given how people have described the abuse in the industry.”

What people? You mean AHF stooges looking for a paycheck?

9 years ago

Nope to anyone says otherwise. Nicki was lying. This post was verified via Internet Archive http://glowysweetfab.tumblr.com/post/135636151310/nicki-blue-caught-in-lie-about-james-deen

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