‘Sugar Daddy’ Billboards, Using Bree Olson To Lure College Students, Under Fire From Locals

Jun 10, 2013
Porn Stars
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Summer job advertisements seeking students for sugar daddy dates and sexual favors – and promoted by a former porn star – aren’t going down well with locals.

ArrangementFinders.com, a dating website facilitating ‘mutually beneficial arrangements’, is causing controversy around the U.S with provocative billboards promoting sexual services as a job for students.

Alongside a suggestive image of ambassador Bree Olson, who briefly dated Charlie Sheen, in a recent ad is a brief but loaded job description: ‘Hey Students: Need a Summer Job? Date a SUGAR DADDY’.


Arrangement Finders, owned by the same company that runs cheating website Ashley Madison, describes itself as ‘an exclusive service that connects men and women looking for mutually beneficial arrangements’.

Locals are protesting the newly-installed billboard near Birmingham airport, Alabama, saying it has nothing to do with jobs and simply promotes sex.

Alexa James, development director at WellHouse which shelters sexually exploited women, has asked the company to take down the sign.

‘It tells me that it’s something to do with sex,’ James told CBS42.com about the billboard.

‘We’re working with a 14-year-old right now that’s probably been trafficked her whole life.

‘It’s blatantly clear what they’re targeting because they’re saying date a sugar daddy.’

The same sign near the foot of the Atlantic City Expressway in Atlantic City is not stirring the same antagonism, according to Matt Ingegneri who owns the building to which the bulletin board is moored.

He told Press of Atlantic City he’s had no complaints about the content.

‘It’s just a little income to help pay taxes,’ Ingegneri said.

The Atlantic City billboard is scheduled to be up until mid-September.

A.J. Perkins, the firm’s marketing officer, said the advertisements effectively reach out to the target market – young female college students.

He said while the website caters to ‘mutually beneficial arrangements’, it is not promoting prostitution.

‘Prostitution is very transactional based – guys wanting X for Y dollar amount,’ he told Press of Atlantic City.

‘These arrangements are more longer-term relationships.

‘Generally these men and women are meeting up frequently – they have an agreement where they meet, whether it’s certain bills are getting paid or a companionship thing.

‘We constantly get negative emails.

‘Our philosophy is for every negative reply you get, you get more men and women signing up for the site. It strikes a nerve.

You’re either for it or against it. I don’t think there’s a middle ground.’


Perkins told CBS42.com the company had no intention of taking the billboards down.

However that could change, given Arrangement Finders dismantled a vulgar billboard in Chicago earlier this year following pressure from religious groups, according to the Huffington Post.

The billboard, which also featured Bree Olson, read: ‘Because the best job is a blow job’.

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Anthony Kennerson
11 years ago

If I remember right, doesn’t Tanya Tate also have a deal promoting that site as well?? No billboards like Bree has, but she does tweet a lot about it, and has even cut YT vids.

Funny how people who say they don’t like porn still want to make money off of it, isn’t it??

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