The Deepest Innermost Thoughts of New Girl Alexa Aimes (Plus Lots of Pictures)

Sep 17, 2013
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One of my duties as an award winning journalist is to bring you mind blowing interviews..While my counterparts argue over who broke a fictitious story first, TRPWL brings you great stuff that doesn’t have to be retracted our explained.  Our Alexa Aimes interview is a perfect example of hard hitting, groundbreaking journalism that has taken the porn industry by storm .. Feel free to print this and frame in your home office..

The Deepest Innermost Thoughts of New Girl Alexa Aimes (Plus Lots of Pictures)

Alexa Aimes

How long have you been shooting?

Almost 3 months!!

How many scenes so far?

Not sure, but more than I can count on all my fingers and toes.

I heard you started working in porn after getting discovered at a GED testing center. Have you ever thought about continuing you education?

Ahahaha while I did graduate high school by taking the GED, I was about 16 (1. Too young for porn, and 2. I was what you would call “an ugly duckling” so no I wasn’t discovered that way hahaha). I did go on to college. Graduated with honors and double major in Microbiology and Physiology.

Alexa Aimes

Alexa Aimes

Did you go on to grad school, and how exactly did you get into the adult business? Also, what is the personal appeal of performing sex?

I did get into grad school on a partial academic scholarship. This actually coincides with me being in the industry to a certain degree. I moved down here [Southern California] between semesters to start on my grad work.  While waiting on the new semester to begin I was working 3 jobs to support myself. This is where life begins to move extremely fast: I had heard a lot of rumors of girls in my town being in the sex industry, which I had never done. Not even stripping. So I emailed my photo out to a few companies I knew of, and BAM, one week later I’m getting tested and flying out to Miami, and then Vegas. I always felt a certain “allure” to the sex Industry, as I am a very sexual person. Sex in general I feel is extremely empowering in itself. So here I am, just got done shooting for a couple of well known companies, school’s about to start and I think to myself, “where do you want to be in 5 years”. Truthfully, I don’t know. And that’s part of the reason I chose porn. Now, I didn’t really “choose” porn over school. I look at it like this: I have already acquired my degree. And if I choose to go back and further that, I can, it’s never too late to go back to school. But for now, while I’m young, I’m going to explore every possible horizon of my life. I’ve only been in 3 months, but I have such a strong passion and eagerness for what I do now, I can’t wait to see where I’ll be in 5 years and how this all turns out for me.

My top secret industry sources tell me you date a guy who gets paid to bang chicks?  Any comment?

I guess it’s not much of a secret, but yes I do, and he’s amazing.

When porn stars date, is the sex like a shoot, complete with great angles? Maybe a change in the lighting so the vag has no reflections?

Yeah, we actually spend about an hour prepping for sex before we actually do it..not like foreplay or anything, but lighting, talking about what positions we want to do, what each others limits are, of course sound and acoustics play a huge role as well. Then we fill out disclaimers. It’s so romantic.   (her safe word is “Butters Stoch”)

Do porn stars cuddle and watch Titanic when not engaged in anal?

Wait…there are times that anal isn’t engaged?! Hahahaha more like zombie movies and video games during fellatio.


Alexa Aimes Hiking

Alexa Aimes Hiking

There’s been two production moratoria in last 30 days — does that make you rethink being in the adult business?

It’s definitely scary. But we all know and knew the risks of this industry when we got in. Looking at it logically: every 9.5 minutes someone I’m the US is infected with HIV. We have 2 “breakouts” and the world is in hysterics. Truthfully, like I said before, if people took their JOB more seriously this wouldn’t happen at all.  But 2 cases out of the 1.1 million statistic in the US that has it, I feel somewhat safe.

Do you think the 14-day tests are a good idea? Do you think the added expense will weed out some of the part-timers?  

I think 14-day testing requirements are great, fuck, even a 7-day like Bang Bros use. As far as the added expense, I don’t really see it having any effect at all except for pissing off a bunch of people. The “part timers” or “up and comers” (such as myself) don’t get booked everyday, and don’t necessarily have a need to test every 14 days. However, I do keep my test 14 day current at all times in case of a last minute shoot becoming available. But, say I don’t get booked, then it’s just $175 down the drain. Now say a “part-timer” gets offered a shoot, they go pay the $175 get tested and shoot. In the end you’re still going to make more money than you spend. And even if you find out you’re “unable to shoot” it was money well spent, because now you can go get the treatment you need.

Alexa Aimes

Alexa Aimes

If given the choice would you want condoms in porn?

It’s a toss up, I can see it from both sides. I think for performers’ safety it could be extremely beneficial, because CLEARLY there are plenty of performers who don’t take their job seriously and choose to fuck around on the side which puts us all at risk. At the same time, I feel like the consumer probably wouldn’t invest so much money into watching porn with condoms; it almost kills “the fantasy.” Thus the demand for porn would go down. But then again, whenever production is ceased due to moratoria workflow is at its lowest. Back to square one. It’s pretty fucked to have to worry about your paycheck and your health at the same time; to know your health lies so greatly in the hands of so many other irresponsible people. How heartless do you need to be to risk someone’s health and job like that? Some people rely on this job to feed their families! I definitely do not think condoms in porn is a bad idea. It might be the happy medium that the porn industry needs, at least until everyone can start taking their PROFESSION seriously enough to quit all the side bullshit, or until we can weed out the infidels. Which, honestly, will probably never happen.

If condoms are legally mandated, however, it won’t be an “at least until” situation – it will be a permanent proscription on filming condomless sex. Do you think it’s the government’s place to force this upon all performers and producers?

I don’t necessarily think ‘for it’ or ‘against it.’ I will say this though: there is no such thing as a fail proof system. Even condoms don’t guarantee 100% safety against STD’s. What we have already is pretty damn close to the best there is. Can it be improved? Yes. Every system can always be improved. But as I said when asked if I was scared to perform: someone is infected with HIV every 9.5 minutes. Statistically. For us to have two “breakouts/cases” (whatever you want to call it), in my eyes, is pretty impeccable. We will never be able to stop others, let alone know their “risky” behavior. This is something we ALL knew when getting into this industry. It’s extremely disheartening to know so many people would take advantage of what a great life and opportunity we have been given. But it’s human nature and will never be stopped. In conjunction to this, as I said previously in this interview, porn isn’t like “normal, behind-closed-doors” kind of sex. We are performers. We create a certainfantasy that is sometimes killed for the consumer with condoms being present. On top of the fact that shooting multiple takes, positions for extended amounts of time; well, condoms begin to hurt. Even with lube. Not saying this is grounds
to completely dismiss condoms or even enforce them. I think, that as some companies do offer the right to choose condoms, this is the best solution. I guess in writing this I have almost answered my own question. No, I do not think the government should be able to force condoms upon sex workers. It should be up to the performer, to choose, just as any adult and accept the risk (with or without condoms) as we all have upon entering the sex industry.

Alexa Aimes

Alexa Aimes

What are your thoughts regarding veteran performer (and RN) Nina Hartley’s recent statement regarding myths and rumors about HIV in porn and condoms in the wake of the Cameron Bay case?  

I won’t say much in light of Nina Hartley’s blog post. What I will say, is that I do wish half the population was as educated as her. I’m sad that I hadn’t even seen this before this interview. I think she makes some extremely valid points that are backed up not only by strong opinion but by fact and knowledge.

Okay, here’s the shot out of the cannon: Shelley Lubben, Michael Weinstein,  Rob Black. You gotta fuck one, marry one,  kill one… go!

Can suicide be an option?

When someone books you on a shoot do they tell you your scene partner right away or does that come later?

Yes, although sometimes that information comes later, maybe even the night before if the other performer gets swapped out for someone else.

Do you research your partner before the shoot?

Helllll fuckin’ yes I do. I creep Twitter, Google, wiki etc.

If you were booked with someone who had questionable behavior would you address it with the director?

I would first tell my agent. She would most likely handle it from there. I’m lucky enough to have such an amazing woman as my agent who cares so much about everyone’s health, that I’m sure if she had heard any rumors of questionable behavior, she would have already nipped it in the bud.

3. Candid


Do you consider ass to mouth an essential, natural part of any sexual experience?

Considering I don’t even do anal, the answer is no. I don’t do that Human Centipede shit.

Brazzers calls, and says they need you on set NOW, but you have a belly full of white dog crap, what do you do?

I’d quickly reply “I HAVE A BELLY FULL OF WHITE DOG CRAP AND NOW YOU LAY THIS SHIT ON ME?!”… I’d also find a new route home from school.

If you went out and bought Xander Corvus some gourmet chocolates, and when you gave them to him he told you, “I’m sorry, I only eat carob,” would that be the end of the relationship?

More like “sorry I only eat meat”. No, it wouldn’t be the end, but my dress size would probably go up a few inches.

Is there a point were a performer can get too famous in porn? Getting recognized in public — is that a bad thing or a good thing?

Why would you even put yourself in front of a camera if you were afraid of being recognized? Why do we all do porn? We like sex and we love the attention. So no, if you can make a name for yourself doing what you love, and get recognized for it, then more power to you.

Alexa Aimes

Alexa Aimes

Do you ever fantasize about kissing Kenny Rogers on the mouth?

I have a boyfriend…so only butterfly kisses.

Will you be attending and porn conventions in the next few months?

I’ll be there with bells and whistles…or leather and pasties.

Any advice you can give a girl thinking about being a “porn star”?

Do your research. Know what you’re getting yourself into, weigh out the pros and cons. Recognize this is a beautiful opportunity you are being given, and cherish it by taking it seriously. If you absolutely need to fuck someone outside the industry: wrap it the fuck up.  Oh, and stock up on cranberry supplements.

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Alexa Aimes at FreeeOnes

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Fake Mike South
Fake Mike South
11 years ago

I fantasize about kissing Kenny Loggins on the mouth. Dying to enter his dad-blamed danger zone.

11 years ago

If she graduated with honors and double majored in Microbiology and Physiology. I would think she would be able to get a full academic scholarship for grad school in the sciences. For you information, if you actually did some research, you would realize that the majority of science majors who go on to grad school (particularly pH.D programs) don’t pay for it. I’m not buying the bullshit!

Alexa Aimes
Alexa Aimes
11 years ago
Reply to  nvm

If you really wanna do your research, find out my name, school and graduating class. Funny hearing this from someone who is clearly speaking on “research” not first hand experience. How dare you, read a full interview and discredit my hard work. While it wasn’t a full scholarship, I am damn fucking proud of it. Sorry, I’m not sorry. Keep talking your shit homie <3

11 years ago
Reply to  Alexa Aimes

fuck the haters. i am in love with you , even though i have seen absolutely zero of your scenes and I just found out about you ten minutes ago through xxxpt. let’s run away together and fuck all the time.

…or lunch maybe?

11 years ago
Reply to  Alexa Aimes

You should take tattypatty up on his offer. He is a stand up dude and a cardio freak. He’ll fuck ya silly then do push ups till he’s ready to go again.

11 years ago

Keep it classy…I have worked with grad students, both pre- and post-doc, so save me the tough talk. No grad student would have time while preparing for prelims to work in porn.

11 years ago

No way this chick graduated with a double major in microbiology and physiology. Let’s see a picture of the diploma. A quick google search pops her name up as Raven Fraser.

11 years ago

she’s a fucking babe. and i love her to pieces. way to move up lovey! and her double major ain’t no bs, billybob you mouthbreather!!!!!!!! but i think you think about rogers nakes all the fucking time, alexa….

11 years ago

I also doubt the veracity of AA’s educational claims as well. And given her choice of boyfriends, in light of what has happened, I just cannot believe she is as educated as she says she is. From GED to a double-major? I just find this notion highly unbelievable.


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