Truly The Saddest APAC Post Ever #APAC #Elections

Aug 1, 2017
Adult Business News
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APAC released the names of the performers who are running for office:


President Mia Li

Vice president Riley Reyes

Secretary Megyn Mason

Treasurer Marcelo.

APAC chairperson (Lisey Sweet or Tasha Reign)

With the exception of Chair Person,  all other nominated officers are running unopposed.

Performers are quick to complain to APAC about just about anything, but, when it’s time to step up and put in some work, crickets.

I actually thought after PROP60 that APAC would have a ton of people willing and able to take over when it was time..Instead, it’s the same old dont bother me until I bother you attitude that seems to be prevalent in porn..

Have some fucking pride in what you do. When you don’t like something, don’t fucking whine on twitter all fucking day long, try and make some sort of difference…At least at the end of the day, you can say you tried..

If some of you cared about your job as much as you cared about your Amazon wish lists the industry would be a slightly better place…

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