AIDS Healthcare Foundation suit against L.A. County tossed out of U.S. court

Feb 13, 2014
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Tossed out of court: Another defeat for the arrogant Michael Weinstein

In a searing ruling, Wednesday a federal court threw out a lawsuit that accused Los Angeles County of retaliating against AIDS Healthcare Foundation for criticizing its public health programs and policies.

“Rather than a sincere attempt to vindicate their First Amendment rights, the court fears [AHF] instituted this action in an effort to obtain a tactical advantage in their ongoing political battles with [the county] and obtain leverage,” the U.S. District Court of Central California stated.


AHF sued the county in late 2012 after the county audited it and concluded the foundation owed the county $1.7 million.

The county said the foundation billed it for serving county residents whose care should have been paid for by other agencies.

AHF denied this and called the billing “retaliation” for its political advocacy.

Tossed out of court: Another defeat for the arrogant Michael Weinstein

Tossed out of court: Another defeat for the arrogant Michael Weinstein

“The Department of Public Health is gratified by the judge’s ruling to dismiss the federal lawsuit claiming retaliation. It is unfortunate that taxpayer dollars compounded by countless hours of staff time and resources were used in litigation to defend against these baseless claims,” said Dr. Jonathan Fielding, county public health director.

“We will continue to routinely audit our contractors to ensure that taxpayer dollars are used to benefit the public,” he said.

Foundation co-founder and president Michael Weinstein said the battle was not over yet.

“First of all, you win some and you lose some — we will appeal.”

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AIDS Healthcare Foundation suit against L.A. County tossed out of U.S. court | AdultWikiMedia
11 years ago

[…] AIDS Healthcare Foundation suit against L.A. County tossed out of U.S. court […]

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

This is it, folks, the beginning of the end for AHF’s quixote crusade to jam their agenda down our throats. In the process they stuck their fat fist down some throats with much larger teeth. The Medicaid fraud case will now go forward and you can anticipate a quick bounce down the courthouse steps for AHF’s minions as wannabe “intervenors” in the federal court challenge to Measure B. Right now, though he’ll never admit it, Mr. Weinstein is undoubtedly pondering whether or not choosing this battle was a wise thing to do. It wasn’t. He’s sacrificed his organization’s credibility, impaired… Read more »

Jamie Gardner
11 years ago
Reply to  Ernest Greene

I sure hope that Ernest is right about AHF. I get depressed reading Mike South’s website because it makes me worried that Weinstein is going to win. Ernest was wrong about porn performers being considered independent contractors and therefore not falling under Cal/OSHA’s jurisdiction. I wish the x-rated industry, from early on, had taken Weinstein as a very serious threat. I believe that Weinstein is the Fredric Wertham of porn.

11 years ago
Reply to  Jamie Gardner

You get depressed because South never has anything positive to say about the adult industry, its always about how stupid they are, or how the end is near..its funny after awhile.. South wants condoms, why? Because he shoots NON condom…Hes not regulated in anyway..He will snitch out someone shooting without condoms in heartbeat, but 30 mins later hes at motel 6 shooting facials…

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago
Reply to  Ernest Greene

No, I was not wrong about porn performers being considered independent contractors under the law, merely by the interpretation of an appointed committee with a political agenda of its own. That principle has never been tested directly in any court with broad jurisdiction and the ruling of an agency body in a single case does not constitute a legal precedent. In fact, performers do not fall under Cal-OSHA jurisdiction and that too will be litigated out in front of a real judge who must rule according to the law, not to further an attempt at social engineering by a small… Read more »


[…] « AIDS Healthcare Foundation suit against L.A. County tossed out of U.S. court […]

Fake Mike South
11 years ago

Jamie Gardner and TRPWL-Sean, whoa! Back-up boys. Yall might be thinkin I’m negative alla the time but that’s just not true son. I got a check, I mean Christmas card from a very nice non-profit in California that even reckoned I tolded the truth. I say whatever they told me. I’d holler at yall some more but it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a pool table here.

Fake Kelli from LIB
Fake Kelli from LIB
11 years ago


So whose articles should I cut and paste, Mike’s or Sean’s? I don’t want any comments on LIB so whoever is the least thought provoking.

I just pooted and it smells like broccoli, but I didn’t eat broccoli today. Can someone explain that to me too?

Derp. *poot* There it is again.


[…] February 2013, a federal court threw out an AHF lawsuit that accused Los Angeles County of retaliating against the group for criticizing its public health […] - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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