UK helpline for revenge porn victims

Feb 8, 2015
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A helpline was launched today for victims of revenge porn.

The specialist service, run by the South West Grid for Learning charity, aims to offer support to victims of revenge porn in which explicit images or videos are shared online without the subject’s consent or knowledge.

UK helpline for revenge porn victims

The helpline, available from 0845 6000 459, provides callers with information on legal help available and their right to have the images removed from websites.

Figures obtained by the Press Association in September showed girls as young as 11 had been victims of revenge porn. The majority of the perpetrators were male, with their subjects usually being young females.

Some shared images with the victims’ family and friends, while others used the footage – sometimes obtained while in a relationship with the subject – for blackmailing purposes.

Folami Prehaye, founder of revenge porn support website said: “As a victim I felt isolated and felt embarrassed by what had happened to me. If there was a helpline around at the time of my crime at least I could have talked to someone in confidence about how I was feeling, and how coming forward has affected my confidence.

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