University football team captain jailed for horrific attacks on sex workers

Mar 18, 2015
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ashley mitton

A university football team captain has been jailed for 15 years after he raped two sex workers and robbed a third.

Middlesex University student Ashley Mitton, 24, lured the women into his car before driving them to secluded spots in east London and attacking them.

ashley mitton

He threatened his first victim, 30, with a screwdriver before repeatedly raping her in March 2013.

He subjected the second, 26, to a similar ordeal in June the same year.

Police said he was “a very dangerous young man who preyed on vulnerable women”, hiding his violent behaviour under a “seemingly normal exterior”.

He was locked up for 15 years at the Inner London Crown Court after being convicted of four counts of rape on the two women, possession of an offensive weapon, and one count of robbery.

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9 years ago

It was well known in my day that Mike Tyson used to regularly rape escorts. He was only arrested however when he escalated this behavior onto “other” non-commercial dates. Now the guy has his own kids’ show! I sometimes feel like I’m dropping acid folks! You wait – this guy will probably come out and get his own show of some kind! I mean look at Bill Cosby! Here’s my argument however – is that everyone knows that predators “escalate”. We saw that clear back with the Hillside Strangler case. They start out raping and kidnapping and torturing women they… Read more »

9 years ago

Please post any proof that Mike Tyson ever raped anyone.


9 years ago
Reply to  crunkleschwitz

*”an account” would probably be better wording. I’m not looking for DNA evidence.

9 years ago

Tyson didn’t rape her. They had consensual sex, then he treated her like a used cum rag and threw her out of his room, so she got pissed and got revenge. Guilty of rape, no. Guilty of being an asshole, sure. Unless you are the type who says courts are always right and OJ didn’t kill them people just because a jury found him innocent.

Please tell us how Tyson “regularly raped escorts”. If you know it to be a common occurrence, surely you will be able to tell us his M.O.

9 years ago
Reply to  crunkleschwitz

I drove more than one of those women to the hospital after being raped and I picked them up out of his hotel room asshole. We couldn’t report it to the police – because there is not one single case of a prostitute winning a rape case in this country. So we waited for the inevitable – they always escalate to “non-prostitutes” and then they go to jail.

9 years ago
Reply to  crunkleschwitz

So how did he rape them? If they were there for pay2play, and they got paid, what was the issue? He take the anus w/o paying the upsell?

If he roughed em up (hitting, biting, etc) then it would be assault, not rape.

9 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Such an articulate response!

9 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

I guess that’s why I joined MENSA and started college when I was 16 years old. I guess to you anything female over the age of 12 who survived the AIDS epidemic of the 1980’s, and the wave of serial killers targeting prostitutes that police were refusing to stop is a moron. Guess that’s why you make light of two pimps who were the first to start targeting escorts, strippers and porn performers instead of just street prostitutes like the killers before them, who we tried to get the police to arrest for a full year before they finally did.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

MENSA is a joke… It’s for people who aren’t smart enough to apply any knowledge to the real world.

9 years ago

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