There must be something in the Potomac— According to a popular adult site, Washington D.C. has won the dubious title of America’s porn capital. D.C. residents reportedly watch almost twice as much online porn per capita as people living in the 50 states. It is a highly charged city, so who are we to judge how people relax? says D.C. residents watch 14.18 videos per person per year, followed by Hawaiians at 7.5.7 videos per person annually in the No. 2. spot. Other notables include Massachusetts (7.52) and New York (7.5).
The Washington Post tries to take a crack at why this might be — after all, there are plenty of big cities in other states, surely their denizens watch porn sometimes too? Perhaps it’s the fact that only 25% of D.C. residents are married, while elsewhere the average is about half. Not that married people don’t watch porn, but it is known to be a favorite pastime for many singletons.
Another idea posited by the Post comes by way of a psychology and sexuality professor at American University, who notes that the more education you have, the more likely you are to use the Internet. And if you’re already using the Internet more, the odds are you could be watching more porn.
Gotta say, we’re just as surprised as you are, D.C.