Wedding Canceled: Serenity Haze’s Fiance Kidnapped, Beaten & Robbed

Sep 27, 2016
Adult Business News
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This is the saddest story ever. Imagine falling in love with Serenity Haze, building up the courage to ask her to marry you, then, when you’re finally 5 mins away from meeting the love of your life in person, some trailer park hooligans ruin what was sure to be a till death do us part relationship.. Yea, that happened, and the worst part is, Serenity wont take him back…Damn you California stalker girl



So how is everyone. This my first blog. I want to tell everyone a story about how I was a fake person. Back in July somewhere around there I told a big story about what my identity was on Twitter. I saw this girl online next p*** star and I liked her a lot. I will leave your name out of this because of her identity. So I made a fake account on Twitter fake pictures the whole ten yards and she like me. Well we got to get to know each other and we talked for a long time on Twitter and on the phone. I got to know this girl a lot and I fell in love with her and I knew someday I will get caught lying about my identity well it happened and she broke up with me. I felt really bad because I knew one day I was going to get busted and it happened. I made another Twitter account first couple weeks I didn’t post my picture but she knew about the account she hated me. I don’t much blame her and I understand her reasons I’m not liking me.

Eventually I’ll post the picture a real picture the real me. She like the picture and we started talking again and eventually back on the phone like we were boyfriend and girlfriend again. I love her so much to this day I still do. I went to Louisiana to go see her I wanted to meet her so bad. Things went sour real quick and in a hurry. There was this stalker girl over and California someone I knew but hated. She caused a lot of problems between me and this girl.

On a Tuesday night back about 2 weeks or so I was coming to see her. I should have went to meet her earlier that day but I was scared too. It was a lot of things running through my head and it wasn’t because of the marriage that we were going to have. What was on my mind earlier during the day was am I making the right choice do I want to spend the rest of my life with her? The answer to that came to me while I was in Monroe and the answer was yes I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known. She means the world to me and always will.

Later that Tuesday night I was on my way to see her. Around 11 o’clock or so somewhere around there I was probably 5 minutes away I got to a stop sign and that’s all I remember. I got jumped and my ass was kicked by a bunch of people. When I came to I was at somebody’s house could have swore it was one of her stalker friend. Come to find out I was in the same trailer park with her as the girl that I want and loved. They force me back to the airport where I had to go back home to Florida I don’t know who these people was but I made my way back to Florida Wednesday night. My money was gone over $20,000 my phone was gone and what they told me it was busted. I didn’t call the law because that would just bring more drama. There was enough drama going on between me and that girl. She still doesn’t believe me to this day I will always love her always. In our text messages in the following weeks she needed a car which I wanted to buy for her. yes there was a substantial amount of money involved to go with the deal. She doesn’t understand what she really means to me I see you’re online not anymore she has blocked my account. My Twitter account got hacked a few days ago I haven’t been able to post on it. She doesn’t believe me still I had to email her the tell her where I was because she’s posting things on her Twitter the things I said. I haven’t been on that Twitter in a few days. she thinks I’m lying and that it’s me. yes I’ve had a past with her and I lied to her but that was all in the past. I will never ever lie to her and she knows this and I’ve told her this. so I can understand why you don’t believe me. Please forgive me

This crazy Californian stalker needs to be stopped. Another blog post from the heartbroken Brad

So here we go again. I’m sitting outside minding my own business few minutes ago well maybe an hour ago I got beat up again I don’t know who it was or why they did it. All I know right now is that Casey girl will get her day. Casey’s not the girl I’ve been blogging about. She’s a crazy ex well I won’t even call her an ex she was just someone on had sex with. I know it’s her there’s people with evidence that knows it’s her. I’m getting beaten up for no reason and the word has it they wanted to put me in the hospital tonight. This is why I can’t be with anybody this is why I’m not with my girl that I want. What am I going to do I can’t live like this. She’s probably out on a date I don’t know I love her very very much. Maybe that’s the reason why I’m getting beaten up because I’m loving someone that I’ll never have it’s all because of KC. She will have her day I promise that is not a threat. Because of her I’ve gotten beaten up twice once in Louisiana now at my home. I can’t even sit in my own backyard anymore. I got an email earlier from an unknown name had to be KC and it was telling me that the girl that I love without seeing with another guy today this is killing me it’s probably true it’s her life I promised her I’d leave her alone and I have I haven’t been in Louisiana in almost 4 days now. What do I do? This s*** is killing me. Do I live in fear for the rest of my life because of KC ?

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8 years ago

Retards going to meet trailer park whores always carry $20k on them. He must have had her booked for a year.

I hope it is legit and he got rolled to fund a new meth lab. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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