While a majority of performers are using their social media accounts to voice their opposition to Prop60, when it comes to APAG’s board members, its business as usual. A quick scan thru board twitter accounts shows very little opposition to prop60. But, then this is the same group that was to busy to make an appearance at last weeks Osha Standards meeting. At at time when AHF is spending millions to try and destroy the adult industry, APAG, the self appointed saviors of porn, have remained pretty much silent..
Look at their twitter headers, not one mention of #NoProp60, Julia Ann made a cool #NoProp60 graphic which lead to hundreds of performers and fans adopting #NoProp60 graphics as their profile pic, some, like myself, have been rotating #NoProp60 pictures instead. You would think they would be able to find the time to change their avatars or possibly add #NoProp60 to their bio. Between them they have 713,000 followers, if they were truly serious about #NoProp60 they would take advantage of their social media impressions. But, that would require caring and effort…
Out of the 13 board members, one, has taken the time to add #NoProp60 to their BIO.. Surprisingly, its Melissa Hill. Good for her