Christian Porn in Brazil? Church Allows Sex Act To Be Shown Only Within Matrimony

Sep 6, 2013
Pink Cross
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A strange and seemingly contradictory news story was recently reported in Brazil, where a religious publication announced their intentions to create adult entertainment with the objective of exalting family values in christian families.

According to the Revista Salvador magazine, the creators of this peculiar initiative, adult movies for christians will have substantial differences in comparison with commercial porn.

One of the magazine’s objectives is to make “erotic movies to educate god’s people”.


The publication has emphasized the importance of showing sexual practices as long as the participants are married inside and outside the screen, along with representing “the real life” of christians in the sexual acts.

This is one of the most interesting postures that the modern church has shown in regards to one of the social and economic phenomena that produces a great amount of earnings at a global scale, a bet with the finality of understanding the body as a “divine gift”, and a way to educate christians about responsible sexual practices, according to the publication.

In the meantime, you can learn about some of the characteristics of christian porn:

– There can be no obscenities. Exclamations of pleasure are acceptable, since they are considered the natural sound of sexual expression; however, christian pornography will not contain obscenities or swearing and participants must treat each other with love and respect at all times.

– They will not depict sexual relations outside of marriage, unless it is to illustrate the perils of adultery. In a christian porn production, there is no adultery, unless it is to show that they and their partners suffer and are punished for their sins.

– They will have a motivational and inspiring purpose. The message of christian porn must, at all times, exalt the values of communion, family, faith, honesty, charity, among others. The positive message of these productions will depict that the enjoyment of a sexual life is the fruit of living righteously.

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