Mike South Uses His ESP to Protect The Adult Industry

May 30, 2014
Adult Books
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Everyone thank Mike South for using his ESP powers for good and saving the world


Here we go again, Mike South and his rattlesnake stories…

So some guy says he signed up on PASS, and that’s how Donny Long is getting what little new info he has??  WTF?? How did you get from point A to B?

Ever notice how after a few days off, South’s comeback post is some outlandish story about super STDs or PWL part 2. PWL has been back for 19 months…but Mike South isn’t happy unless he’s lying. So here we go, only this time it’s not Tritch giving Donny info, it’s South’s arch enemy FSC/PASS.

LOL  So let’s pretend that PASS was leaking info str8 to PWL…What info is there?  I already know the answer to that question, but South likes to play the people that don’t. South makes a living preying on people who truly don’t understand what goes on in the adult industry. To them, South really is an insider, while to the adult business insiders, South is a lying POS.

For the people who dont understand what’s included in PASS, I emailed Diane Duke at FSC and she sent me this:

Anyone who signs up as a producer is vetted.  Performer names are not on the database, only legal names. There is no way to connect legal names with performer names unless the person already has that information.  Additionally, the PASS database contains no medical records testing facilities simply enter whether a performer is available or not available based on the protocols.

Exactly what info is being leaked again Mike South??  Is PWL leaking PASS/FAIL..Please tell me PWL doesn’t know Cameron Adams is listed as FAIL.

What about your guys, Mike South? Is their info being leaked anywhere outside of Craigslist ads?

Rick Madrid loves Mike South and Donny Long -- Mike South Uses His ESP to Protect The Adult Industry

Rick Madrid loves Mike South and Donny Long

Mike, I find it odd that you even care about real names being leaked since you let Rick Madrid, a Donny Long-worshipping PWL poster and stalker, use Yuri’s real name in your comment section over and over when you know it’s not her, and you have outed performers on your site on many occasions…

Not to mention this isn’t 2010 anymore; we live in a different time. Most of the girls don’t care if people know their real name. They use their real names on Facebook, Gmail, and other social networking sites.

And considering how much you hate PASS/FSC, I’m sure a few screen caps connecting PASS to PWL would have been included in your post if they existed.

Of course, since Mike South loves the adult industry so much I’m pretty sure he emailed Diane Duke any info he had so she could fix it. You know, cuz when it comes to a bigger problem, you put away petty shit for the greater good.

Let’s see the info, Mike South.

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[…] Anyone who signs up as a producer is vetted. Performer names are not on the database, only legal names. There is no way to connect legal names with performer names unless the person already has that information. Additionally, the PASS …read more     […]

Pimpin In Atlanta
Pimpin In Atlanta
10 years ago

Good o’l South is getting caught up in more lies? LOL, what else is new. I rather enjoy his desperate attempts to gain some relevancy. At this rate, if his bullshit keeps getting put on blast like this, it won’t belong before he puts a shotgun in his mouth.

10 years ago

TRPWL for life.Donny Long is a bitch. Mike South you’ll never be a straight porn god guru legend. Never. Never. Never. Never.

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