Porn Mope & Chronic Liar Bobbi Dylan Finally Tells The Truth, Then Lies, Again

Feb 4, 2018
Adult Business
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Could you imagine being a fly on the wall at Bobbi Dylan’s drug den? Bobbi wakes up, drinks her drug and coke, then sits for hours in front of her mirror rocking back and forth saying “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and dog gone it people like me.”

I know Bobbi, you’re drug free:

Photo Copyright/Courtesy of

Um yea, clean as a whistle..

So once again, yesterday, I’m minding my own business sitting in my recliner wondering if Tasha Reign has a soul when I get a notification on my phone:

Meth rots the brain they say, Banned??

According to Bobbi, I was banned from AVN, her evidence? I didn’t threaten her. I’ve never threatened her, ever. I walked by her like 4 times, all I could do is laugh. Why did I laugh?  Resting meth face is always hilarious, especially when it comes from the girl who declared her and Serenity Haze the hottest chicks in Florida. Oh yea, Bobbi and Serenity were BFF’s for a

Wait TRPWL, I thought post was about the time she told the truth?  It is, and I’ll get to that.

Before I get to the meat of this post, lets look at that tweet Kung Fu Dylan sent out.  As of 1:47 pm, the tweet had 10 likes, and 3 retweets, not one performer like it, and not one performer retweeted it. By performer, I mean people who have more then a clips for sale store, or get the rare baseball bat shoved up the ass scene.

So here we have the Bobbi Dylan, the chick who thinks she’s a somebody laying down the law to her 34,000 followers, and all she can get is 10 likes and 3 retweets. Yeah, she’s super popular.

Well surely, all of the Duck Lips Dylan fans un-followed TRPWL:


Those are my un-follows from yesterday, 8 of the 11 look like suspensions.   Gee Bobbi, you mean after you alleged all these horrible things I supposedly did to you, you couldn’t get anyone to un-follow me?

Maybe you should DM some of the girls that follow me, that will work, after all, you’re Bobbi Dylan, you know Kung Fu, you’re friends with a US Senator and Former Gov Chris Christi, not only that, but you hold 118 different certifications and are connected to organized crime.

LOL Poor Mope Dylan

The best part of that DM is that she claims I tried to trigger her into having a seizure. Lets look at that from a sober standpoint, which is completely opposite of Bobbi’s viewpoint.

  1. Bobbi doesn’t follow me
  2. I dont follow Bobbi
  3. Bobbi isn’t tagged in the tweet
  4. Vid description is clearly stated
  5. So if Bobbi doesn’t click the link she’s not in any danger of having a seizure.

I mean can you even trigger a seizure with just an image? If so, I would never ever do such a thing.

Which brings me to my next question. Do you like Pokemon?

In other tweets, Bad Hygiene Bobbi claims “security handled” her concerns over her safety. LOL LOL

No they didn’t, security didn’t give 2 shits about Bobbi Fucking Dylan. Every time she walked by me she was alone, no escort, nothing. To quote DJ Quik, where were “your N***AS that kill at” Bobbi tells everyone she grew up in the hood, “she could have 30 real gangsters show up take care of trash for her with just one call” maybe her “homies” were watching her from an elevated position, just waiting for me or others to jump out and give her the deadly Austin Powers Judo Chop.

I stood not more then 15 feet from her and had a conversation with 2 people for over an hour, wearing a TRPWL t-shirt. Not one time did someone say “Hey TRPWL, porn nobody Bobbi Dylan isn’t feeling safe, you mind going over and loitering at Jules booth?”

To truly understand the hatred people have for Bobbi would take me weeks to lay out. The short answer is, Bobbi wanders social media looking to create a problem, by her own admission she’s got some mental issues, couple that with drug use, and you have someone people don’t want to be around.

Interestingly enough for those that don’t know, that’s how I got to the point where I couldn’t care less whether she gets eaten by an alligator or gets kidnapped and is forced to convert to Islam.

A year or so ago, I was having a one on one twitter convo with someone about testing, Kung Fu Dylan, in her usual fashion, jumps into something she had no business in. As that argument progressed, Totally Sober Bobbi Dylan tweeted a link to a site that contained my DL#, SS#, Pictures of my at the time 4 year old son, my mom, and my sister. Obviously that pissed me off and it’s been on ever since…

Not one time, in the posts I’ve written about her, have I used her real name, not one. However, she’s tweeted my first and last name at least 7 times that I’m aware of.

Which makes the following interaction even more comical. Last week, Bobbi was looking for attention, and took to social media to tell the world that her family had disowned her. Partially due to her being a sex worker.

When retired performer Alexandra Mayers saw what she thought was a cry for help, she reached out to a member of Bobbi’s family asking they not give up on her. This was the response Alexandra got:

I guess you can chalk that up to just another of the 100’s of lies Bobbi has told over the last year or so.

Bobbi was more concerned with the screen cap as it showed the edge of her moms phone number. Which, I can see how that would upset someone, of course when that someone is Bobbi Dylan, she has no room to talk.. Not only has she tweeted real names and links to doxxing websites from her Twitter, she also at one time was allegedly SELLING performer locations and info via snapchat. I guess that would make ole Duck Lips a hypocrite.

AVN Red Carpet

Bobbi, never one to complain, well she did complain about Exxxotica, and 3 weeks about XBIZ, but surely she would complain about AVN. After all they “handled her security concerns” and according to her “banned” yours truly from AVN. So AVN must be Pro Duck Lips.

But Bobbi just wouldn’t be Bobbi without complaining about EVERYTHING.  Bobbi took issue to being denied access to the MAIN red carpet area.

Superstar Dylan, who shot only like 16 scenes in 2017, and has a total of 39 listed credits in her 3 year career felt like she should be able to walk along side the Angela Whites of the world.  Now, Bobbi wasn’t the only one complaining, but she was the only one complaining who disrespected my kids, so she’s getting called out.

At least 600 performer badges were issued at AVN. All 600 people can’t walk the red carpet, it’s reserved for performers with more then a handful of scenes.   Bobbi, you don’t qualify, you won’t ever qualify, you’re just a mope, you’re the 8th guy in a Mike South Bukkake, you’re the guy in the red shirt who beams down with Capt Kirk and Spock and never comes back, you’re Chef in Die Hippie Die, you’re the female Rick Madrid,  however you look at it, you’re a minor leaguer who wont ever get the call up, you’re just a girl who’s hanging on to a failed career, you went thru 6 agencies and now you’re scrapping the bottom of the barrel for a few gigs here and there.  You average 13 scenes a year and you wanna walk alongside girls who shoot more than that every month? Really? I know make up artists who have more filmed sex scenes then you.

I think the Rock said it best, Know your role.  Star ain’t your roll, people laughing at you by way of TRPWL is more your speed.

Of all the things you have ever tweeted, the one below couldn’t be more true:

“No one knows who I am” Bobbi Dylan

Well the comments below say a few people know who you are


“I have witnessed her threatening to shoot people, change her ethnicity to fit a situation (Italian, Jewish, Irish, douchebag), states she was raised religious, raised Italian, raised by hippies… wonders why no one likes her. Maybe don’t trash the very same people you work with, or fucking complain about… EVERYTHING. Companies watch this and don’t want the drama. Everyone’s out to get her, and she’s a saint. Forever the victim… forever looking for sympathy. Ha! ”

“HAHA I went to high school with dumb bitch Bobbi. A pathological liar with the remarkable talent of inserting herself into situations that have nothing to do with her and making herself the victim. I pray for her. Her mental illness has clearly spiraled beyond control.”

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Billy B
Billy B
7 years ago

Never been a fan of hers. Her piss poor attitude and wishy washy attitude make it easy to hate her

6 years ago

I just saw she’s with ATMLA? Wonder how long that will last. Girl cray AF… she did delete all her past craziness, but WE ALL KNOW! Meth is bad, mmmmkay?

6 years ago

I wonder if she’s gonna try and get exxxotica in NJ shut down again, and take pictures of other female talent “breaking rules”, send it to exxxotica and try to get them thrown out… she shouldn’t be allowed at that event. What a fucking waste of breath. Seriously, the drugs and mental instability is off the charts

6 years ago

I noticed she’s been trashing and blaming another guy who she was involved with. Get this girl some antipsychotic meds please… no wait, that might stop the hilarity.

3 years ago
Reply to  JustNotAFan

Isn’t that what YOU are doing, unmedicated meth head? - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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