APAG Announces Upcoming Meeting Nov. 9 2017

Nov 7, 2017
Adult Business News
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The officers and board members of the Adult Performers Actors Guild are calling for a Performer Meeting Thursday, November 9th at 7:30pm. Over the last few days, the board members of the Adult Performers Actors Guild have been openly discussing new concerns regarding testing protocols, the CA SB239 bill regarding the intentional passing of HIV, and the concern about potential HIV+ performers working in talent pools. With certain industry groups claiming discrimination on behalf of potential HIV positive performers, members of the Adult Performers Actors Guild and other performers have expressed extreme concern regarding this dangerous situation.

We are working to call an immediate performer only meeting to discuss the concerns of members, and nonmembers, to create a plan to move forward and make sure all performers are protected. This meeting will have adult industry and medical professionals to explain the concerns regarding testing, and HIV+ performers ( who test negative) that may already be working among HIV negative performers.

We would also like to address other topics and issues that are currently affecting our workforce. Performer abuse is nothing new to our industry, and it’s time to actually do something about it. The members of the Guild have created a performer checklist that allows for performers to specifically detail their limits for every scene, thus allowing for true power of consent on set. This list will be introduced at our meeting giving performers the opportunity review it’s contents prior to being released for use on our website www.ApagUnion.com

We would also like to announce the creation of a new program, On Set Supervisors. This new committee will consist of retired and experienced members of the adult industry, that will handle performer advocacy on set, to ensure both talent safety and a positive working environment. More information about this union program will be available at the performer meeting.

The exact location of the meeting will be sent out so we will be accepting RSVPs. Due to safety concerns, and privacy for our members,  the address will not be directly posted on the internet.

Talent, if you would like to do more than just attend the meetup, please let us know! We are always looking for volunteers!

To receive information regarding the meeting, please visit www.apagunion.com

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