Astrid Star Says She’s “Well Connected”. Does Meth Count As A Connection?

Dec 12, 2023
Adult Business
26 1
astrid star

I could spend my time writing about shit NO one cares about, then talk about my greatness, or I could write about Astrid Star, who apparently is a somebody.

Now, normally I would support anyone who goes after Alana Evans, The Dictator of the Scam Union APAG. I call her that, cuz she’s basically the only President the Scam Union has ever had.. No one can ever seem to beat her in an election, and of course, the Union doesn’t have any term limits. 🙂

So she keeps running, then votes for herself, along with the other 4 fake memberships she has, and pow boom bang, she’s still the president. And she’s super proud of that title, consistently telling everyone who she is and how important the scam union is to porn.

Now the Union hasn’t ever really done anything but take money and send Alana and her cronies on all expense paid trips that accomplish NOTHING. But hey, this makes her the talk of her retirement community, they like her so much there, she’s cuts in line at 4:30 dinner.

Anyway, Alana’s corruption isn’t the reason for this holiday writing; this well-worded, mostly grammatically correct musing is about someone even more dastardly than a corrupt old lady—Astrid Star.

Astrid is like my spinach; I get bored, stop writing, then she says some stupid shit, and I immediately log into Porns Best Blog, TRPWL, and start pounding away at the keys. Like Vinnie O’Neil at a Chinese food buffet, I’m refreshed, like a Calgon bath, and I get lost in my words. I’ve been compared to Hemingway. Danny Devito reached out to me after my last Astrid post, asking if he could option it for a Netflix movie; however, negotiations broke down when he insisted on playing Astrid.

Check out these Astrid tweets:

There is so much to say here, first, Astrid, what little money you have, you aren’t spending on a lawyer to sue someone who has nothing. Lawyers work 2 ways in the civilian world, and 3 ways in porn, you pay them, they work for a contingency fee, meaning part of the judgement, or you fuk them..For a lawyer follow thru on the sort of thing your talking about, minimum 10K..Lots of process to be served in a case like this, and X will fight back with bigger and better lawyers.

Now you could always fuck the lawyer, but that pussy aint worth 10k, and to be fair, few are..

So NO Astrid, you don’t have a lawyer that’s gonna sue Alana. I wish I had a 1 buck for every time some porn dork said they had a lawyer and was gonna sue everyone who said bad things about

Which brings me to this tweet.  I cant stand Alana, I look forward to the day she gets toxic shock syndrome from one of her adult diapers, but with that being said, I can assure you she’s way more “connected” than you..




You’ve been nothing more than a C-Lister, 75 credits, who’s biggest claim to fame is TRPWL making fun of you

Alana on the other hand has been shooting porn for 61 years, you make quite a few connections in 61 years.

I know Astrid; this is where you tweet that you are a war vet entitled to free pancakes, close friends with Tucker Slain, and hold a security clearance.

Astrid, no one holds a security clearance after they are out and have been convicted of a crime. Sure, some idiots want to believe you haven’t  been arrested multiple times. But we’ve seen your arrest records. You are the prototypical one-time enlistee, signing up for the military only to realize they couldn’t handle it, then leaving. And there is nothing wrong with that. But let it go; you were no one then, and you’re no one now. You certifiably aren’t scaring anyone with your lawyer’s threats.

Let me guess, you get a Christmas card from the Top 5 people in porn and get beat up by strippers.

Thats enough of my bleacher report, I hope you have a yahoo day

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1 year ago

She blocked my Twitter after I asked her how many times she went to jail. Glad you are back to writing stuff, it’s boring W/O you guys

fake frank
fake frank
1 year ago

I saw you beat down the baby daddy yesterday. Please tell us you have another post in the works 🙂

Auroras Hep test
Auroras Hep test
11 months ago

My only disappointment over the weekend is no Aurora story. I loved watching other meth heads come to Aurora’s defense. It was a drug dealers dream of marks - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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