At AIDS Healthcare Foundation, life is like a box of. . .
Mark Roy McGrath of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation appears before the Standards Board monthly to press the organization’s demand that Cal/OSHA adopt “protections” for workers on adult productions, particularly the mandatory use of condoms.
At the November 21st meeting he upped the ante a bit when he presented the board with a large package of condoms.
He said that AHF produces thousands of condoms, which it could provide to the adult film industry, to alleviate possible concerns about the cost of providing this form of barrier protection.
A nonplussed Executive Officer Marley Hart politely declined the unusual offer, noting that the board isn’t the appropriate agency to distribute them. “We’ll just put them in a file,” she said. “You’d be better served by giving them to people who can use them.”Workplace safety attorney Karen Tynan notes, “That was a dumb stunt and waste of state time. Showing up with a bag of condoms shows that AHF doesn’t fully comprehend how the regulatory process works. Mark McGrath continues to show up at any microphone with the same tired show.“
McGrath, who conveniently has ties not only to AHF, but also UCLA and LA County Department of Public Health, is a ubiquitous and loathed condom czar. Because of the distinctive — some might say ridiculous — facial hair he used to sport, McGrath had long been referred to by Cal/OSHA watchers as “Wolverine”…

McGrath has recently changed his look, but not his fiercely anti-adult industry rhetoric

McGrath’s frothing animosity toward the adult business was noted in Vivid Entertainment’s brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals: he is the “staff member instrumental in drafting Measure B [who] has made public statements that he would like to see adult filmmakers driven out of California. This AHF staffer also ‘considers the adult industry “quasi-human trafficking,”‘ and has stated that ‘I don’t give a shit about their jobs,’ while questioning whether ‘these [are] the types of jobs we need in California.'”
Read more about McGrath’s antics here:
[…] Standards Board, convened on July 17th in Oakland, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) followed their usual modus operandi, and spoke during the “public comment” time, at the beginning of the […]