Clover Arrested For Domestic Violence and Cocaine Possession

Jan 24, 2015
Adult Business News
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Some people just ain’t too bright…and some may be damaged beyond the point of saving.

This morning in Las Vegas, adult performer Clover, a convicted domestic abuser who recently served a jail stint in Los Angeles, was arrested on charges of domestic battery and cocaine possession.

The victim: his new girlfriend, adult performer Morgan Lee.

"I gave him the benefit of the doubt, I tried to be a good person" says Morgan Lee. "But I was wrong."

“I gave him the benefit of the doubt, I tried to be a good person” says Morgan Lee. “But I was wrong.”

According to Lee, who has visible bruises, Clover “beat the shit out of” her this morning, and she pressed every possible charge against him. The charges he faces include domestic battery in the 1st degree, and possession of a controlled substance (cocaine, according to Lee).

The couple was in Las Vegas to attend the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, and were staying at Planet Hollywood along with fellow performer Hope Howell.

Lee told TRPWL that Clover also had hit her and choked her earlier, on Friday night. She “told a few people,” but did not file any report.

According to reports, this morning Clover returned to their room at Planet Hollywood when Lee was sleeping. “He came in drunk,” says Lee. “The incident happened at around 6;40 or 6:45.”

Clover picked her up by the neck, and tossed her, she revealed. “He threw me and I hit the wall.” Once she hit the floor, Lee said, she shouted ‘Hope help me!”

Howell woke up as the beating continued, and Lee made a run for the door.

“He was naked,” Lee said, although she was not certain why.

According to Lee, Clover grabbed a towel to cover himself, then took off after her. He caught her by the hotel elevators, she said, and began throwing her up against the wall.

Apparently the beating was caught on hotel surveillance video.

Hotel security arrived and held Clover until police arrived and took statements from Lee and Howell.

“I didn’t know he had cocaine until the police came and told me,” Lee said.

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Lee estimates that Clover was booked at around 8:00 a.m. He is currently in custody at the Clark County Detention Center, on $8,000 bond.

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Las Vegas Metro police officers advised Lee that Clover will be held for a minimum 12 hours, and she is using the time to go somewhere she feels safe. He is currently set for a hearing on Monday morning, Jan. 26.

Clover Arrested For Domestic Violence and Cocaine Possession

Clover’s most recent tweet, from Friday evening on the show floor of the Adult Entertainment Expo

Clover was released from jail in Los Angeles on January 7, having been remanded into custody on Nov. 17 in a Van Nuys courtroom. Clover had been given the choice of either accepting a plea deal or standing trial on charges stemming from a May 2014 beating of his now ex-girlfriend, makeup artist Jennifer Jaen.

In addition to jail time, was sentenced to 3 years probation, and one year of Domestic Violence classes. It is believed that these new charges will constitute a violation of the terms of his probation, possibly leading to a prison sentence for Clover.

Additionally, court ordered Clover to stay away from alcohol, and places where alcohol is sold, upon his release. According to Lee, Clover has not fulfilled that condition.

Jaen has previously stated that Clover attacked her in Las Vegas as well, back in May 2014.

“He beat me up in a hotel,” said Jaen. “He dragged me out of the bed by my feet. I hit my head hard on the bed frame and started crying. He started mocking me and said he’d give me a real reason to cry. [He] just started shoving me, hitting me, punching… I fell on the floor and he kicked my stomach, and before he left the room he poured a whole bottle of vodka on my face while I was on the floor crying. Then he threw the bottle at my head.”

“I tried calling for help from the hotel phone. He threw the phone away from me so I didn’t think it went through, but it did. It went through to the Front Desk. It just so happened that the head of hotel security was standing there, and [the] front desk handed her the phone. She heard everything, or at least enough to come up to the room with 2 other security guards — but Clover [had] bailed already.”

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At his sentencing in November, Jaen told the court, “Casey is a ticking time bomb and it is only a matter of time before he severely hurts if not kills someone…. Someone who behaves as he does is a major threat to the community. It’s not just him beating up on his girlfriends. He starts fights in public settingswith other men and he drinks and drives frequently. God forbid he should crash and someone else should die due to his irresponsible and reckless ways. I believe it to be only a matter of time.”

We expect updates to this breaking story shortly…

UPDATE: Clover has been dropped by his talent agent.

UPDATE 2: Clover was bailed out sometime prior to 6am PT on Sunday. We’ve been informed he has returned to the hotel he had been staying at with Morgan.

UPDATE 3: Clover has been formally charged in Las Vegas Justice Court.


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10 years ago

Knew this was going to happen.. He did not spend enough time in jail for his last conviction in Los Angeles. He gets gets six months and only serves 1 month. He just got out maybe 2 weeks ago… What an idiot mope


[…] few minutes ago we received this statement from the owner of ATMLA concerning Clover’s arrest this morning for domestic violence and […]


[…] up on our story from yesterday where Clover was arrested for beating his girlfriend Morgan Lee as well as cocaine possession, we learned that Clover was bailed out of the Clark County […]


[…] it is not the first time in recent months that he has been in trouble with the law. According to a report from Cindi Spiegler on news site The Real Porn WikiLeaks, Clover has previously been busted for […]

Pimpin In Atlanta
Pimpin In Atlanta
10 years ago

At one point Mike South wrote that Clover “Should Be On Everyone’s Yes List”. Like minds, I guess.


[…] an interview given to The Real Porn Wiki Leaks on the same day as Clover’s arrest, Morgan Lee provided this account of the […]


[…] adult performer Clover, who was arrested on charges of domestic battery and cocaine possession at Planet Hollywood in Las vegas on Jan. 24, […]


[…] attorney of the criminal charges Clover now faces in Las Vegas Justice Court stemming from his arrest Jan. 24 related to the beating of his new girlfriend, adult starlet Morgan Lee, as well as drug […]


[…] probation violation hearing. As expected the judge found he violated his probation by being arrested and charged with domestic battery and drug possession in Las Vegas during AVN last […]

9 years ago

Well judging by her twitter comments she sounds cunty

16 days ago

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