Condoms Could’ve Saved Jessie Rogers’ Asshole

Jun 4, 2013
15 12

In sports, when you retire, whether it’s by choice, injury, or being forced out, it hurts. It’s what that person does in the next portion of their life that defines how they will be remembered.

Jose Cancesco, hit over 450 home runs but will be remembered for turning on the game that made him. Now he’s a baseball joke. Rob Black had a run and fucked it up. Now he’s hanging on by a thread selling out the one thing he says he loves. Desi Foxx and Shelley Lubben…they couldn’t deal with not being in the game anymore. So what did they do? They started a new game: Speak out against what they can no longer have.

I don’t think porn is a career choice that should be taken lightly. If you choose to do it, great. I’m not gonna judge you either way. If you choose to leave, more power to you. People say I pick on those who leave the game. Ask Remy LaCroix if that’s true. I talk to girls every day who no longer work in adult and I’m glad some of them got out. It’s obvious porn isn’t for everyone. Am I mad or do I hold a grudge that Jessie Rogers left porn? Absolutely not.

When Rogers first left, there were all kinds of rumors – pregnancy, she and her BF getting married, syphilis, high end escorting, drugs, you name it. I could have gone to town with the stuff I heard. I didn’t. It wasn’t until she suddenly went all “I’m pro condom” on everyone that she irked me. The world is full of bandwagoners. She’s one of those people…

She wrote a blog post for BroBible (since deleted but mirrored here). I suggest everyone read it.

Coming in to the adult industry at 18 years old, everyone glamorized it to me and told me it was safe. But I found out a lot the hard way.

She shot for over 2 years. Surely Jessie could have figured out it “wasn’t safe” sooner than that. Jessie, you didn’t feel safe? You had your “driver” friend/drug dealer/hook up a specialist to protect you.  Maybe the flights to Dubai weren’t safe? I know flying over the ocean scares me.

What made me really step back and think twice about the industry was when they had the syphilis scare in the summer of 2012.The way they were handling it was very unorganized

This is true. I can’t remember but who was the agent that DIDN’T want his girls shooting then? Was it the same guy you were rumored to have tried to get to rep you? But why would you want new representation? It’s unsafe remember?

I know I can’t speak for all adult entertainers, but I can speak for some performers because I befriended and even dated a lot of people in the industry,

Yes, you’re correct, there are girls and guys who want condoms. There are more who don’t. I still have to wonder, with so many industry friends and boyfriends, why did you hang around so long? It would seem these friends would tell you how unsafe and horrible porn is…

They say there is a “choice,” but if you choose to work with a condom they will flat out tell you that there are hundreds of other girls willing to work without one.

Would a director hire Jesse Jane to do an all BBW orgy? No. Why? Well that’s not what they are looking for. If the scene is a non condom scene and you want condoms –  well you’re shit out of luck. Oh wait, I know, let’s make everyone wear condoms so Jessie can keep her rates up. Wait, you don’t wanna shoot anymore, right? LOL

Condom scenes are shot everyday. I think some of you like to pretend there is this huge condom conspiracy out there. Sorry, there’s not. Condom work is out there, just not as much.

My ex, who is an active performer, told me he once broke his dick on a porn set. As a result, he was out of work for about six months, lost a lot of money, and was never compensated for not being able to work because of his injury

Yes, that’s sad. Condom wouldn’t have saved him.

I had a similar injury experience on a porn set on November 2012. As vulgar as it sounds, my asshole was torn open and bled for 3 days by a girl who didn’t know how to use a toy properly

Another sad condom can’t do shit for you story. Even with AB332, I doubt they have toy in the ass training.

My Employer, like any other job in California, would be required to take care of my medical follow up since working their job caused me to get hurt

Maybe, but you could look at it like – when an “employee” no shows at work to fly off to Dubai, normally that “employee” gets fired, right? Can’t have your prince and eat it to. Well, maybe YOU can..

when I went to my doctor, I found out I had contracted herpes, which is something very common in the industry

Wow, common huh? Jessie, did you know that roughly 1 in 5 people have Herpes? And to make matters worse they say 90% dont even know it. So do you know were you got your herpes from?

So think twice if the opportunity to have sex with a porn star ever presents itself

LOL wait… So the public isn’t supposed to have sex with pornstars cuz they might get herpes?? You have herpes and aren’t shooting porn anymore. Will you still have sex? Maybe for money even if times get tough?

The 10-to-15-billion dollar adult film industry

I don’t get why an industry that makes more than all professional sports combined,

Wait, so you’re saying that 10-15 billion is more money then baseball, football, and basketball combined? Sorry Tay, I’ll leave hockey out of this.

Revenue in the NFL reached an estimated $9.5 billion in 2011-12. That is up $500 million (5.6%) from the year before, and $1.8 billion (23.4%) more than Major League Baseball ($7.7 billion)

Hmmm. Do you make this shit up as you go, or did AHF give you cue cards and pay the ransom for your dog?

Doing films with condoms doesn’t cause friction or irritation with girls at all

While the idea of you personally doing a vagina wet test is kinda of hot, you didn’t. So you really have NO way of knowing which girls have vag issues and which girls don’t. There are lots of NON porn girls who don’t like condoms. In fact, a quick Google search came back with this. So there is at least one women in the US whose vag gets irritated by a condom. I don’t know her, but I doubt she fucks four times a week for hours on end at her job.


and my agent was a dick about me re-booking

And why is it, in an unsafe industry like porn, one running over with STDs and horrible bosses, instead of quitting, you tried to change agents? Then when you couldn’t, you retired? Coincidence? Maybe…

Pet your dog for me. I’m glad he’s safe.

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11 years ago

If she had any kind of integrity, she should have sued the company/talent/agent that produced/perform/booked the scene with the glass toy…

Instead she’s just whore’ing for the “i’m a victim” post-porn publicity.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mark

LOL, you idiot, you think everyone that gets herpes, hep c or b or any other random disease can sue another performer or company? WAKE UP MORON – porn does not work that way!

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

I heard that her anus took more abuse in Dubai than on set. I’m guessing there’s NO connection between that event and all the cash and expensive shoes she left with on a one-way ticket.

3 years ago

Like your anus/mouth?

11 years ago

I’m sure there are intelligent, educated women in porn. This aint one of em.

She should prolly stick to suckin dick with side work as an Arabian Toilet.

11 years ago

The guy broke his sick and was out of work for 6 months. That sounds much worse than an anal fissure.

Scatman Crothers
Scatman Crothers
11 years ago

I’m assuming the ex who broke his dick was Prince Yashua.

10 years ago

she put on a show for his retirement, she has said a thousand times his agent was the cause of his retirement is very clear to me. typecast her agent in the interracial sex and ruined her career when she was hired she noticed it was devalued it was ruined, and he only had two things follow in the interracial genre gaining equal and end up as a pile of more than girls who do IR just to make money and be a stranger to the world. her on her twitter account and cursed his agent yoshua prince to be… Read more »

Imposter Foster
11 years ago

A condom could’ve saved humanity from me.

11 years ago (closer to the herpes there!) (aka i love glass toys in my butt)
Maybe Sean can post some pics from the triple penetration gangbang she did last December for Kink…at gun point i’m sure! (who does double anal after such a bad injury?! oh right…jesus saved her)

11 years ago

she was very pretty when she first started but after the implants, both lips and breasts, she totally fell off for me. It sure beats working the morning shift and McDonald’s five to six days a week. I cannot understand how these chicks never have money? They sell everything even their dirty underwear and always seem to be running on empty. Too much money on weed and drink.

random performer
random performer
11 years ago
Reply to  Sven

honestly, it is true, they just arent used to having any and live in the moment…

4 years ago

Oh yeah, and they blow it all on drugs…

11 years ago

Alas, another example of someone coming to terms with their choices and blaming others. Yes, she may have been misinformed and never took the time to really weigh the risk vs. rewards in this industry. But in the end, one makes their own choices AND you have to own them. She was an outstanding beauty when she first started but seeing all that she has done to herself belies a serious condition of low self esteem and the ability to be influenced on a whim. I wish her safe journey in whatever she decides to do next.

Mel C
Mel C
4 years ago
Reply to  Steven

…you are funny. She turns 18 and does amateur allure – teenagers doing porn, their brains are literally still maturing. But they are all “stars!” Have you ever talked to an 18 year old girl? Add drugs to the mix and you have some seriously fucked up kids with tons of cash all of a sudden and dealing with the emotional and psychological fallout of selling their ass (and having it all out on the internet for the rest of their lives.) Not to mention the diseases and other nastiness. Blaming others? Yeah, old pervs selling these young girls on… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Mel C

Is this why you are too ugly to do porn?

11 years ago

Yeah she was super hot when she came out then started partying a lot. Yeah i like how she doesn’t mention the over seas whoring she did and tried to get other girls in the biz to go with her so basically a recruiter or pimp. She looks awful now and playing the victim card for being dumb n cocky towards the of end of her career. Condoms could protect that’s true an their is companies that offer that sort of work but she peaked and they wouldn’t prob hire anyways but also condoms don’t protect your from herpes

4 years ago
Reply to  Nico

“condoms don’t protect you from herpes” LMAO, yeah they technically don’t protect you from HIV either. Just because you don’t make your boyfriend put a condom on his tranny cock doesn’t mean condoms don’t protect against STDs.

11 years ago

Wow, if I were to ever see a bitter article this would be it, going off on a 20 yo girl ? Coz she left porn ? And doing so by picking on her sentences in the most petty manner ever (maybe even out of context as well)… Bro, hit the gym or have sex coz you have issues… Is she a smart girl ? I doubt that based on her choice of career but come on, she was 18 yo, WTF were you doing when you were 18 ? I know I wasnt making the best choices of my… Read more »

Fuck yoi
Fuck yoi
6 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Are you fucking kidding me. your job sounds fucking pathetic. I would LOVE to hunt you down and kill you.

11 years ago

The reasons she gives in her blog should make your head explode. This bitch does nothing but lie out her ass.

3 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Find someone else to fap off too, like a gay porn actor?

11 years ago

Poor article. Weak attack, full of non sequitors, based on what Jessie Rogers did/didn’t do, without dealing with the issue at hand – condoms in porn.

11 years ago

No great loss anyway. She was one the worst performers in the industry. She kept her mouth shut like a time lock at bank when someone even tried to kiss her! Watched some of You Tube vids and was struck by how she tried very hard to sound like she had a cell left in her brain, BuhBye

3 years ago
Reply to  Jim

I would still suck a fart out of her ass.

DENNIS William
DENNIS William
10 years ago

Hey Jessie …you sound like a real fun date!! You have opinions on a variety of things … Your figure looks fine….you sure know your way Around a big hard one …..and your anal Sexcapades are almost too much too imagine !!! I am a tall single guy and don’t smoke or drink… And ….I ve never been a porn star….sioooo. Wanna go for a pizza sometime and talk ???I Want to hear your stories and YES ….I will Finance your book if you decide to write one that’s Really great !;! OK Jessie ….when are we on for a… Read more »


[…] AHF-sponsored witnesses in support of AB1576 included Cameron Bay and Rod Daily (both of whom carefully sidestepped the fact that they were not infected on an adult film set ), Hayden Winters, Darren James and Jessie Rogers. […]

10 years ago

This chick is crazy is a hypocrite in his twitter account is over 50 pornographic accounts.


[…] Jessie Rogers appears. Speaks of her on-set injury which would not have been prevented by condoms. […]


[…] my biggest political achievements will be helping wannabe child killer Monica Foster and seeing Jessie Rogers‘ […]

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

Nothing new here. Porn careers are usually short. People get in with little thought to getting out so when they want to, as those who have tried to leave quietly and start new lives elsewhere have discovered, it’s not as easy as they expected. For this they blame the porn industry because they foolishly believe that repudiating it will cleanse the stigma from what they did. Other than going to work for AHF, it doesn’t seem like there’s much money in being an ex-performer-turned anti-porn crusader (as Linda Lovelace could have told her), so there’s little point in kissing the… Read more »

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago
Reply to  Ernest Greene

Oh, BTW, Smithey, dude-bro, we all know who the fuck you really are and you’ve got a lot worse offenses on your record than anyone commenting here. Go back to where you came from and peddle your bullshit there. The market for it is much stronger.

9 years ago

You are all, literally and metaphorically, huge wankers. Please. Please die.

9 years ago

Well come on. Shes a porn star for craps sake. Not the sharpest tool in tbe shed by any means. She is best at sucking golf balls through a garden hose and working on her back. Thats what she was created for. Thats what she is.

Fuck you
Fuck you
6 years ago
Reply to  wolf

And you were made for mediocre work untill your 65. Enjoy that 9 to 5 not having time for anything but your job.?

9 years ago

she got herpes but she said in interview that she couldn’t get enuff of big blackcock only dick that made her cum

9 years ago

i agree with you sean but one thing jessie was right about is the herpes. everyone with inside info on the industry knows that you work long enough, you will definitely get herpes, as it goes around in the industry.

3 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Like you have?

4 years ago

Herpes, Trichomoniasis, HPV (which can cause cancer) and Hepatitis (which can kill your liver and you.) Just a few of the STDs the PORN INDUSTRY does NOT test for. Rocco Siffredi is one of the few performers that actually will acknowledge reality and admit that he has herpes. He has no problem exposing other performers (young girls who don’t know better) but at least he is man enough to admit the truth. So everybody needs to grow the fuck up and stop pretending that “porn is good.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Derrik

Go back to your church/cult.

3 years ago

Says the nobody fake porn “star”…

9 years ago

Your “comebacks are so laughably ignorant is it a little pathetic.

7 years ago

She didn’t shoot for over two years. She shot for one year…most of that was the first few months. My god…do you not even know how the industry works? I’m guessing when you see a “new” release that features someone who retired years ago, you think they have unretired…and now look 6 year younger.

5 years ago
Reply to  lakawak

just so that you know, she started doing gang bangs and sexual adventures at a very, very early age, she has never truly left porn, that is the truth

3 years ago
Reply to  lakawak

Everyone is a “porn expert” while receiving Welfare!!!

Fuck this forum
Fuck this forum
6 years ago

If you ever read this jessie, I honestly feel your pain and I’m glad you retired and fight to make it right for others. Dont read the haters, just do what you know is right for you.

Fuck you
Fuck you
6 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

No, she hates you.

6 years ago

Please, don’t use LOL in your articles. It sounds retarded.

Fuck you
Fuck you
6 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Prick you probably some old ass bitch who is jealous of Jesse. Kill yourself please because you sound straight up retarded with your “article”.

Fuck you
Fuck you
6 years ago

The person who wrote is a real fucking prick.

5 years ago

No way you wrote this whole article with a straight face. Go out and get some pussy instead of defending porn like you depend on it you idiotic pathetic bitch.

4 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

TRPWL is a little cunt. A funny cunt, but still a cunt. Let him have this “article.”

Red Reddington
4 years ago
Reply to  beaucoobucks

Yea, fuck TRPWL

3 years ago

I would still cover Princess Jessie in my finest save-a-hoe cape.

3 years ago

 You have herpes and aren’t shooting porn anymore. Will you still have sex? Maybe for money even if times get tough?”

HAHAHA looks like times got rough! This dumb slut is shooting her own porn now and on onlyfans. After ALL that shit she talked. lol.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bob


3 years ago

Porn performers are tested DAILY before they shoot anything in porn, you idiot.

3 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Prove that, bitch? How many times are YOU tested, fairy?

3 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

If you lived in 1980 old fart.

3 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

“With a rapid antibody screening test, usually done with blood from a finger prick or with oral fluid, results are ready in 30 minutes or less. The rapid antigen/antibody test is done with a finger prick and takes 30 minutes or less. The oral fluid antibody self-test provides results within 20 minutes.”

Try READING the CDC sometime before LYING.

So PORN ACTORS are tested on the day of the porn shoot, you grade school failure. Perhaps LEARN how porn is MADE before running a shit blog of lies? Can you DO that, faggot?

Red Reddington
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

the CDC doesn’t govern testing in the adult industry..The FSC does.. You fucking idiot

” For example, recently most major studios moved from requiring a test every 30 days for their performers to once every 14 days. “

3 years ago
Reply to  Red Reddington

Or, once again, you are WRONG.

3 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

My name is Jeff Arkin, and I enjoy the taste of penis

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Too bad TRPWLFYTNE doesn’t HAVE a penis. Is that why your pussy bleeds so much, grade school failure girl?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Thank you, NOW I can have this shit site shut down.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Impersonating. Did you cum when you did that kindergarten move, asshole reject? Can’t handle being called out for the bitch you are?

2 years ago

holy shit how did I ended up in this incel bullshit website? Im leaving, fuck off everyone of you women haters.

1 year ago

“(since deleted but mirrored here)”

Mirrored where? There’s no freakin link.

1 year ago

David ley is having a aneroysm right about now - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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