It’s been awhile since I’ve written about Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cain.. Mostly because I felt sorry for him.
For those that dont know, it was reveled that Millionaire Strip Club owner Bender Cain isn’t really a Millionaire Strip Club owner named Bender Cain, but conman Gabriel Cain.
During the writing of that historic piece, I was contacted by Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cains roommates..Turned out, there was alot more to the Bender Cain story. I felt guilty and after Bender called me, I decided that I was done with Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cain…Unless of course, he started fucking up again.
What has Millionaire Strip Club owner Bender Cain, graduate of the James Bartholet school of Journalism, been up to you ask? Well when not ripping of the girl who helped him build his news site or stealing content from Wikipedia:
He’s busy stealing content from XCritic.
Here is an excerpt from Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cains website posted December 1, 2015:
And below is Don Houston’s posted to on October 17, 2015:
In fact, Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cain has jacked so much content that attorneys are rumored to be involved. And when I say attorneys, I don’t mean the fake attorney Mike South used before he lost his website, and I certainly don’t mean the fake attorney Phyllisha Anne used when she sent me a Cease & Desist letter, and for sure I don’t mean the fake attorney Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cain hired to sue me the last time I wrote about him:
I’m talking about real attorneys with business cards, ties and shiny shoes that may or may not be Jewish.
How does a Millionaire Strip Club owner shield himself from Shiny shoes and Tie wearing Jew Lawyers?
It’s simple. He decided to make up fake writers and let them take the heat for the content theft.
A quick glance at Millionaire Strip Club owner Bender Cain’s website reveals at least 4 different writers:
Yes, Paul Sparks claims to be the Chairman of the Board…
Teal, the journalism major who can’t spell ‘imagine’
Before I go on, I think you should all sit down while reading the rest…
After carefully reading articles from each writer, I found this universal error, a spaced comma:
Oops here’s one more:
Guess who that last spaced comma post was from? It wasn’t English gent Dan Daily, nor was it Kid Kaboom or Chairman of the Board Paul Sparks. It wasn’t Mike Souths fake lawyer either..Nope, it was none other then Millionaire strip Club Owner Bender Cain:
I know what your thinking, it’s possible that Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cain hired 4 people who all make the same grammatical errors. Or maybe, just maybe, Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cain is also Dan Daily, Kid Kaboom, Teal and Paul Sparks, Chairman of the Board.
You’d figure a Millionaire Strip Club owner would do a better job of creating fake people. Surely, a Millionaire Strip Club owner can afford to buy the book “How To Create Fake People So You Can Hide From Shiny Shoe Wearing Jew Lawyers”, which is a NY Times best seller and made for TV movie I might add.
Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cain is quite accomplished:
Check out that spaced period after the word promoter..
And check out the lack of periods in what is arguably the greatest paragraph in porn:
Professor James would be proud.
This past weekend, Millionaire Strip Club owner Bender Cain found his way to the Phoenix Forum. While he tried to stay low key, he couldn’t resist telling the people he came into contact with that he was ………….. A Millionaire Strip Club Owner named Bender Cain… He was able to con his way into a free dvds and a tour of one porn studio.
Not only that, but he took a picture with a hot chick
So thats how Millionaire Strip Club Owners dress
This man is a menace to porn. Thankz goes to PORN WIKI for exposing this conman. He has made so man enemies over the years I do not know how people keep falling for his circus antics. This man has no decency. DO NOT INVEST MONEY WITH HIM LIKE I ALMOST DID. He tried to get me to screw some partners of mine and after talking with other peeple I learned I am not the only one he did this to.