Los Angeles to porn industry: wear a condom

Jan 17, 2012
Health, Safety & Testing
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LA city councilors approved an ordinance that makes the use of condoms in porn mandatory, but the industry claims it is unnecessary and will cost them jobs.

Actors in the pornographic film industry could be forced to cover up on set, after Los Angeles city councillors approved an ordinance that makes the use of condoms mandatory.

The measure – which was nodded through on a 9-1 vote – will require the producers of adult films to sign up to stringent rules regarding prophylactic use, and pay a fee to offset the cost of spot checks.

Healthcare activists have welcomed the news, but many in the porn business are bitterly opposed to the move, stating that it is a government overreach that could drive the industry out of its spiritual home.

The Los Angeles city council provisionally agreed to adopt the measure in an 11-1 vote last week.

Following the latest showing of hands, the ordinance will be handed over to the city mayor to sign into law within 90 days.

The Free Speech Coalition (FSC), a lobbying body for the porn industry, said the insistence on condom use would impact on the lives of about 1,500 adult film stars.

It has been suggested that about 90% of legally distributed pornographic movies are produced in studios based in LA’s San Fernando Valley.

The fear in the porn community, which has already been hit hard by piracy and the economy, is that the insistence on condom use will drive many jobs out of the region.

“What will happen is productions affected by this ordinance will have to move outside the city limits,” said Joanne Cachapero, spokeswoman for the FSC. “People can get adult movies without condoms in them from around the world and the only thing they are doing is putting the Californian industry at a disadvantage.”

Porn producers say the industry has successfully self-regulated itself for many years by means of regular testing for sexually transmitted diseases.

Under a voluntary code of conduct, stars of erotic films must undergo a sexual health screening every month. Proof of a negative result is needed before an actor can take part in a sex scene.

The FSC claims that the policy works, and has helped prevent the spread of HIV after actors were diagnosed in 2004, 2009 and 2010.

But health campaigners have pointed at the occasional outbreak of cases in the porn community as proof that more needs to be done.

Darren James is one of those pushing for more stringent rules. The former porn star became infected in 2004, triggering a temporary industry shutdown.

At the height of his career, James was appearing with up to 15 women a week in hardcore scenes that often included anal sex.

But despite the risks involved, he was never encouraged to use protection.

“Condoms were never brought up, they just wanted to get the scene done and move on,” he told the Guardian.

STDs such as chlamydia were common, but porn actors would self-medicate and sweep news of the infection under the carpet, he said.

“If you are going to work in porn, you are going to catch something, anyone who says they never contract anything is a liar,” added James, 44.

Even so, his 2004 diagnosis of HIV came as a surprise to him, and sent shockwaves through the industry, especially after it was discovered that three US actresses had been infected.

“The industry attacked me, but I didn’t know where I got it from. All I knew was that four other women I worked with had come down with it,” he said.

The former adult film star now works as a HIV/Aids counsellor and supports the work of the LA-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).

It is the foundation that pushed the issue of condom use on the city council.

Last year, the AHF submitted a petition over the issue, with enough signatures on it to force the authority into a public ballot.

Tuesday’s ‘yes’ vote by the city council will scrap the need for a referendum over the issue, saving Los Angeles in the region of $4m.

Ged Kenslea, AHF director of communications, said the new ordinance merely gave city authorities the power of policing what was already on the statute book.

“It is already law that producers need to use condoms, this just provides another mechanism for enforcement as there hasn’t been a huge amount of compliance from the industry to date,” he said.

But the porn industry – much of which is gathered in Las Vegas for the industry’s equivalent of the Oscars – is unlikely to let the matter lie.

“The regulations imposed are without any input from the stakeholders most impacted – adult performers and producers,” said FSC executive director Diane Duke. “Mandatory condom regulation will not increase performer safety, it will diminish the successful standards and protocols already in place and compromise performer health.

“Government regulation of sexual behavior between consenting adults is, and has always been, a bad idea. The government has no business in our bedrooms, real or fantasy.

Source: Guardian UK

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13 years ago

do chicks have to wear female condoms when they are doing girl/girl scenes, or are they only worried about dudes spreading std’s?

Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago

That’s one of the problems — the OSHA rules are still in flux. The new standard has not yet been set.

13 years ago

Some unsolicited, immature commentary from Monica Foster: heretic, zealot, child abuse advocate and all round nutjob – who doesn’t realize there is no such thing as an illegitimate child.

“Only you should be required to wear a condom Sean so you don’t make anymore illegitimate children!”

13 years ago

LA’s Board of Supervisors have lost their damn minds here! Don’t they know how many jobs they just lost to San Francisco (most of porn is likely moving there as we speak)? Malibu (yes, in the 80’s a few producers filmed there)? Heck, even Santa Barbara may get in on the action but I can already feel the vacuum of porn jobs leaving LA! I hope every one of these idiots that voted for the loss of thousands of jobs for their city will get tossed out on their keisters in a recall effort or the next election! Oh well,… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago
Reply to  mharris127

What they know is that this law will be tossed out in the courts so it won’t matter. They get to act like they did something positive about “public health” in a city where the only thing politicians and bureaucrats ever really do on that subject is try to say the right things to the press. Councilmembers Rosendahl and Koretz have been shown to be fully in Weinstein’s pocket — AHF was writing proposals for them, and they were offering them up for vote — and I intend to hold them accountable in the next election. This is not a… Read more »

13 years ago

Michael, I hope you are right. I agree that this is a government overreach if there ever was one. Unfortunately it will be the luck of the draw on what judge hears the case. There is very little actual constitutional law to guide the case and as far as constitutionality since the constitution or the bill of rights don’t mention sexual freedom so it is all up to interpretation. I see the possibility that this could be tied up in the federal courts for years before it is decided. An argument could be made for freedom of speech but since… Read more »

13 years ago

Really Ari. Who’s going to argue the case before the supreme court? You? LOL! You’re a washed up failed lawyer. All you’re good at is talking trash. Good luck with that loser!

13 years ago

Paper the black and mexican neighborhoods w/ flyers that just say, “DO NOT RE ELECT ________________. He/She voted to make condom use mandatory.” Then put the actual issue in small print on the bottom. They will be outraged, thinking they are going to have to where rubbers when fucking their hood rats, and will turn out in droves to vote against the incumbents. Might incite a riot and burn that hole of a city to the ground. Fuck LA.

13 years ago
Reply to  crunkleschwitz

I and many others will be entertained on Faux News, TedCNN and MSMORONBC with the live coverage of those Compton riots! Heck, if the powers that be put it on PPV people would pay $50 to see it. I love to watch riots from a thousand miles away on my TV. 🙂

Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago

I find this moron’s obsession with me rather quaint.

Unlike weak losers like Monica, I didn’t have to run and hide or recede from public view because I could’t handle all the “mean people.”

Fuck the haters. They have no impact on me — other than brightening my morning, when I read their unintentionally hilarious BS.

13 years ago

Having a good time in Vegas with all the whores Sean? Maybe you could make a scrapbook to show your children. They would be real proud of daddy!

13 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

So Spiegler is the pimp, you’re the john , the actresses unknowing whores & your children victums!

13 years ago

momica foster – the psycho hooker/cam whore referring to anyone else as a whore…now that’s funny. haha

13 years ago

Mofo gellus nobody dum nuff 2 knock her up. She so old by now she prolly throwin tard eggs. Go for aborshun, no 1 wanna see Corky Loco.

Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago
Reply to  crunkleschwitz

Tard eggs – LMFAO!!

13 years ago

yourein2deep aka monica foster – why don’t you just fuck off, eat shit and die? no one cares about anything you have to say. you are just proving what a lowlife attention-seeking troll you are.

Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago
Reply to  wit

Better yet, she should eat shit and live. I’d prefer to see that fate befall her. After all, it’s evil to pray for someone’s death.

13 years ago
Reply to  wit

Your Sean’s little suck off bitch troll. You mean nothing in life. He didn’t even take you to AVN. That shows how much he thinks about you tool!

13 years ago
Reply to  yourein2deep

you mean nothing in life. you are a lowlife bottom feeder who’s only talent is being able to shove stuff up your twat on cam.

you encourage the very porn you are trying to say you are against. if anyone is a sex addict, it is you.

you mean nothing to anyone. anywhere. you are nothing but a waste of space. a parasite.

13 years ago
Reply to  wit

oh – and if i wanted to go to avn, i am quite capable of going. i don’t need anyone to take me anywhere.

13 years ago
Reply to  yourein2deep

Ahhhh Someone seems jealous.

13 years ago

CAT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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