Porn fan watching X-rated films on full volume sparks police investigation

Mar 24, 2015
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Police in Taiwan investigating complaints from several residents about a couple having loud and frequent sex discovered the noises were just a lonely man watching porn on full volume.

Porn fan watching X-rated films on full volume sparks police investigation


Locals in the Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung began complaining about the raunchy sounds last year.

Residents in a block of flats believed a horny couple were wrecking their sleep because of excessively loud sex acts.

Local police chief Wu Ching-shu said: “The phone calls were always the same.

“A woman was screaming loudly, and for a long period of time.

“Residents said it was a couple being intimate, but not private.”

Cranky neighbours were driven up the wall by the constant romping noises but both they and the police struggled to pinpoint the source of the sex sounds.

Whenever cops patrolled the area they could not see or hear anything unusual.

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