Porn trends in the UK: from time online to the biggest search terms

Jan 7, 2014
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Pornhub, one of the world’s biggest porn sites, has shared its data, using online habits to indicate porn trends across the United Kingdom.

Where in the UK is this screen most likely to appear? Photograph: Martyn Vickery/Alamy

Where in the UK is this screen most likely to appear? Photograph: Martyn Vickery/Alamy

Ware in Hertfordshire, it turns out, has more demand for online porn than any other UK town. Lasting 10 minutes 37 seconds online and clicking on 7.6 pages, an average visit from Ware is almost two minutes longer than one from Billingshurst, West Sussex.

The data comes from Pornhub, one of the UK’s biggest porn sites, and reveals a great deal more about online preferences – although using data from just one adult site does might not be representative of all of them.

In the interactive below, the size of the circle represents the number of users in each city. The data for London (the biggest circle) is based on 23.5 million visits to the site in the space of a year. In total, the site was visited 111 million times over the past 12 months. For comparison, the UK government’s site receives around 1.4 million visits per year.

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The circles in the top right hand corner show cities which visit more pages and spend more time searching porn than the national average; so Ware is the outermost point. Those in the bottom left-hand corner represent cities below the UK average. 

You can also see them mapped here


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[…] site,, collected data from Irish users over the last four years and says that people here spend an average of 9 minutes […]


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