Talent Testing Services, Inc. (TTS) announced today that its testing policy for syphilis, under its current basic panel, will continue to include the TrepSure™ EIA test. This test will be used in conjunction with RPR and will continue to be an integral part of its basic clinical panel including the molecular tests for HIV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.
“The TrepSure™ EIA test offers an additional protection of our talent population as an initial indicator for syphilis. Used in conjunction with the RPR test plus patient history, TrepSure™ indicates past infections and is an effective indicator of acute syphilis infection.” said Sixto Pacheco, President & CEO of TTS. “Talent Testing Service will continue to develop comprehensive test programs that not only protect the health of the talent but also address our industry’s concerns.” Pacheco continued.
TTS will continue to provide cleared status information to the APHSS database based on the existing clearance algorithm currently in place.
The forward thinking company has long offered testing for HIV RNA by PCR Methodology, which detects the presence of the virus earlier than all other tests. Testing for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis and others is also available.
About Talent Testing Services, Inc. (TTS)
Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS) consistently offers talents safe, courteous, affordable and convenient testing through wholly owned subsidiaries or collaborating sites. Since 2007, TTS has provided the most advanced infectious molecular testing for the adult industry. TTS is a privately held company with headquarters in Miami, Florida and a subsidiary office in Los Angeles, CA.
Miami, FL (Headquarters) (305) 792 2090 / Los Angeles (818) 885 0812
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