The Many Lies Of Don Juan DeMarko: Part 1- Claiming to be An AVN Awards Voter

Jan 29, 2025
Adult Business
12 1
The Many Lies Of Don Juan DeMarko

I’ve been hearing shit about Don Juan DeMarko (DJD) for years. I’ve always chalked up to him just being another fanboy trying to rub shoulders with porn chicks. All you have to do is read his bullshit PRs to see he’s just trying to fuck..Every single girl is the greatest pussy licker, dick sucker, porn actress of all time. But whatever. I normally don’t try and knock someone’s hustle, let’s face it, this is porn. Every aspect of Porn is a hustle, from publicists to Production, everyone is hustling someone.

The hustle is fine, but when you resort to things like promising Awards if the girl fucks / hires you, that’s a whole other issue, which brings us to this fucking idiot.

If you look at the Screencap of Don Juan DeMarko’s Twitter (X) he states he’s an “AVN Awards Voter”. Why is that bad? Well, I’m told by someone at AVN that he is in fact, NOT an AVN Awards Voter. Why does it matter?  When shopping for a publicist, usually your end game is at a minimum an award nom, and out of all the noms / awards you can get, AVN carries the most weight. A TRPWL award is the only thing that comes close to that, but that’s a different kind of award.

Not only has DJD openly lied about being an AVN voter, but I also have been told by an Ex-Client of his that he claims to have direct login access to AVN’s website, basically implying his clients will always be on AVN because he uploads his own stuff.

So when a girl or guy is shopping for a publicist, they usually look for the best return on their buck. Here’s DJD, he has a login to AVN and he’s a voter, no-brainer here, let’s hire him, after all, he claims he was in the army too, so he’s got to be legit.  And while you’re busy writing your POY speech, and raising your rate, he comes to you with some bullshit reason why didn’t get even a nom for your 28-person group scene like the other 27 people did. Soon you start to question if DJD is telling the truth, then you decide to ask me or someone at another media outlet only to find out he’s 100% full of shit. But what can you do? He’s already fleeced you out of cash and pussy.

Well, you can contact AVN. Let them know and maybe they can figure out a way to put the clamps on this guy, and let everyone else know he’s NOT affiliated with AVN in any way.




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7 days ago

He’s scammed a lot of girls, has them convinced he can cost them work if they turn on him - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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