These are The Most Sexually Diseased Cities in the USA

Jul 23, 2015
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Noticeably absent are Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas..All Porn production cites.

The data used here comes from the CDC for 2013, and reflects reports of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. (Herpes data is not collected).  To normalize the data, we measured rates per 100,000 people. We chose only to show cities with a significant amount of population, so rural counties are not show on this map.

The CDC makes available a wide range of statistical, anonymous data about STDs in America.

The Top 10 Most Sexually Diseased Cities are:

Rank City Total STDs Total STDs per 100,000
1 Montgomery, AL 4371 1899.20
2 St Louis, MO 5942 1867.54
3. West Memphis, AR (Part of the Memphis Metro) 859 1717.29
4. Philadelphia, PA 26151 1689.77
5. Norfolk, VA [Norfolk Naval Base] 4013 1632.74
6. Baltimore, MD 10134 1630.98
7. Richmond, VA 3248 1544.39
8. New Orleans, LA 5614 1520.37
9. Killeen, TX [Ft. Hood] 4887 1512.83
10. Fayetteville, NC [Ft. Bragg] 4826 1489.2


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