It would appear Shelley Lubben has moved on from God and is now pimping sex pills.
Please donate to the Pink Cross by ordering your Viagra today. If you order in the next 24 hours, not only will you get your Viagra — Pink Cross will throw in a Target giftcard, make up bags, Lubben will bust out her eight foot wooden staff, bless your Viagra and pray for your peepee.
If Lubben’s prayers can cure herpes, they surely can make your peepee get hard…
Shelley claims to be empowered with a Spirit of Deliverance — now she’s apparently going to deliver couples from erectile dysfunction.
Her site was probably hacked but the hacker has a great sense of humor! I wonder if this hacker would be willing to hack Donkey Long’s sites (if he still has any) and redirect them to gay sex sites. Maybe Tara Akinloser’s sites could be redirected to Jenny Craig while he is at it.
To just want to dance with her. Calling her babe. Her thoughts and desires for kissing. Only means one thing. Both are in the mood for that classic winter romance.
Michael and Shelley. $5000 EACH if you both kiss under a mistletoe. Kiss passionately for a full minute. WITH TONGUES.
Come on, theres a lot of people who do a lot more for a lot less. You both know its what you really want. Let there be love.