APAC Cares About Mental Health, Unless You’re Under 21

APAC has been busy promoting another one of its parties, I mean “mental health awareness get-togethers.”

Nothing says we care like a drug filled booze fest that’s 21 and up, run by numbskulls.


I wonder if APAC will have a mental health awareness happy hour? Feeling suicidal? Here, have a beer and ride our mechanical bull. But can we see your ID first? Oh sorry, you’re 20, you’ll have to wait outside.

APAC, the ones who talk about sex work discrimination, discriminating against under 21 sex workers, classic.

Here’s a novel idea, how about getting rid of the fucking booze and open the event to the people who vote in the APAC election, and pay dues to help APAC throw these types of events.

And what’s APAG doing while APAC is snorting coke at 21 and over rooftop parties?  They’re handling Instagram sex worker discriminatory polices. Kinda of makes you wonder what happened to APAC?

Believe it or not, there was a time when APAC was concerned with the state of the adult industry. Now it’s pool parties, BBQ and self adulation. No word on whether Rick Madrid has joined yet, he’s over 21, has severe mental health issues, and loves him some BBQ and anal.

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  • APAC the lost ship of fools holding a roof top party riddled with the mentally way off wacked invites only. LMAO
    So while Alana Evans charging solid with APAG is out busting their asses to benefit performers stomping Instagram knocking off the life line from performers till now, these fucking idiots APAC lead the insane its own board members. literally Holds a Roof top party with people on meds to get drunk? Dangerous mix folks. Convenient is a roof to jump from right there. How convenient

    Goes like this on the way down after the initial jump

    well 55th floor I am good... whooo hoo
    20th floor Iam good ......Yeahhhhhh

    1st floor... oh shit I am gonna be a chalk drawing on a side walk
    Thanks APAC
    FSC laughing at them and moves in a with a replacement pine apple bunch from across the seas to replace them.

    Go Bowl and shut the fuck up APAC. Better go have that fat ass Head of APAC shoot for BlackPayback and do it right this time
    Must be 21 to come kill yourself is what APAC is saying in code. Nice Call TRPWL

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