Julia Ann: Pizza Hut Perv or Animal Rescuer? The TRPWL Interview

Feb 21, 2012
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julia ann

Adult megastar Julia Ann is one of the finest people we’ve ever encountered, beautiful inside and out. It’s an honor to know her, and we’re proud to feature her on TRPWL.

1. For the people who just moved here from Greenland, tell us how long you have been shooting adult videos?

I’ve been shooting since 1992. My first movie was Andrew Blake’s, Hidden Obsessions.

2. I read somewhere you’re also doing makeup now. How is that going?

I’ve been a makeup artist for the past six years and it’s a nice change from being in front of the camera. I’m not saying that I’ve stopped performing. I love performing and plan on continuing as long as someone wants to see me but being able to vary my job requirements can be fun.

3. What’s more fun? Make up or anal??

Questions like that don’t have a black or white answer. There have been days as a makeup artist where anything would be more fun than working on that project and the same for an anal scene. I’ve had good and bad days doing anal or makeup. Either is awesome if I working with and for the people I enjoy.

4. Is there anything you wont do on film??

“Never Say Never!” Although the things I choose to not do are the things that I don’t think I can do; whether it be because I’m not into it or I can’t physically handle it. I don’t do “Wired Pussy” for Kink because I think I would hate it but I did “Anything Butt” because I was interested in the experience. I try to keep in mind that I change everyday, so what I might never do today, I might do tomorrow.

Julia Ann: Pizza Hut Perv or Animal Rescuer? The TRPWL Interview

5. Your career has spanned almost 20 years. Why do you think you have been able to stay in the game so long?

“SHEER LUCK!” I didn’t have a plan. I take it day by day and just be myself. I was told years ago my former agent “Lucky Smith”, to be good to everyone, for the people you see on the way up are the same people you see on the way down.

6. Have you ever drunk water from the air conditioner in a effort to get a cheap high? Be honest

I’ve never heard of such a thing. Are you sure you haven’t tried that before writing the question. Lol

7. If you had to pick one director, 2 people from the talent pool and one company to push your final scene, who would they be…?

Ooooooo. That’s a tough question. I think it would depend on the type of scene. Although, I might have it shot for my site and just keep it for my fans.

8. How much longer do you plan on shooting? Think you can go as long as Nina?

I have no idea when or if I will retire. It would be really difficult for me to not be able to shoot. I love this industry and the people in it.

9. Any truth to the rumor you slipped Whiteacre some GHB, convinced him you were Mayim Bialik the Jewish actress from blossom then had sex with him in the bathroom at Pizza Hut?

Maybe…. I do love Pizza Hut.

Julia Ann: Pizza Hut Perv or Animal Rescuer? The TRPWL Interview

10. How many adult awards have you won?

I don’t have a tally of my awards. I appreciate them if I’m awarded them but I don’t rest my professional or personal worth on them.

11. We always hear about “THE NO LIST” with the porn girls, i say girls cuz guys will fuck anyone, do you have a no list? and if so tell me whos on it…it will be just between us and the
989,000 that visit my site this year

First off, let me put your myth to rest about the guys not having a “No List”. The popular male talent do say no to girls they don’t care to work with.
Yes, I do have a “No List”. Who is on it isn’t for public knowledge mostly because they may only be on it for personal reasons. There is someone on my No List because he looks like my brother. It’s not his fault so why talk about it. No is No and nothing else matters.

12. Is there a director or company out there you refuse to work with?

I do have a couple directors that I wouldn’t want to work with and it would definitely take a lot of extra incentive for me to put myself in their hands. As far as companies are concerned, I cant think of any I wouldn’t work for.


13. Im sure your aware of the .xxx domain push right now? Do you have a opinion, good or bad?

I see the xxx mark as just that…a mark to label us from a distance. Another way to discriminate and control. Not to mention a way to bleed more money from us. Sad that we are still such a target.

14. Will we ever see your website end with .xxx

If we are forced, I’m not sure what to do.

15. What did you think of AVN this year??

I’ve seen the AVN start in a small curtained off section of CES, grow into a massive independent force and return to something smaller. I don’t fear the change, I see it as a simple truth. All things come full circle. We will reinvent (like we always have) and will continue to produce adult material. The adult industry has seen darker days.

16. If i stole your ipod what would i hear ?

Dean Martin and Queensryche. Awesome right?

17. How important is the gym at this stage of your career?

The gym is everything at my age but I haven’t come to accept that fact quite yet.

18. Do you use any type of supplements ?

I drink a protein shake every morning with 1 tablespoon flax oil.

19. Do you think the condoms mandate will be effective? you think it will force companies to relocate, or go underground?

I don’t think the condom law will be put into any real measure. We will find a way around it.

20. What’s your opinion on why there is a condom mandate?

I think there is a condom mandate because on the public only sees the surface of what we do. I people were educated to what our practices are and what the percentages of positive cases of any std is there would be a difference in their decision. The city is being pushed by people with personal not professional agendas. Their ideas only put as at more risk not less.

21. Have you ever used ninja focus to slow down your heart rate?

If by Ninja focus you mean Meditation then, yes.

22. Please tell everyone about your dog rescue work ..

As a child my family always had animals. My grandmother was such an animal lover that she hated to kill ants. I love all animals to this day but dogs seem to be my true love. It makes me sad to think that in this day, with all the information out there, people still buy animals. I try to help place and find the right animal for people. I’m usually overwhelmed with dogs. Today I have six dogs in my home. It’s not easy but they are worth it.

I work with an animal rescue called “Almost Home Animal Rescue” in Valley Village, California. their website is www.almosthomear.com

Also Juliaannlive.com


Julia Ann at FreeOnes

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Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago

Top-tier talent and top-tier human being.


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