Four out of five women don’t shower every day

Feb 23, 2015
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Survey finds almost two thirds can’t be bothered removing make-up before they go to bed, and one in eight don’t brush their teeth

Four out of five women admit they don’t shower every day, and a third say they can go for three days without washing their body.

The personal hygiene of Britain’s fairer sex – or the lack thereof – has been laid bare in a survey of 2,021 women aged 18 to 50 for skincare range Flint + Flint.

It also found that almost two thirds can’t be bothered removing make-up before they go to bed, and one in eight own up to not brushing their teeth before they sleep.


When it comes to washing in the morning, only 21 per cent of females take the time to shower or have a bath every day, with 33 per cent admitting to leaving it as long as three days from wash to wash.

Sixty three per cent admit to not removing makeup before going to sleep after a night out, with 35 per cent of those citing time as the reason.

The fear of having to get up in the morning means they get straight into bed and don’t have time to waste washing off the night’s excess.

And a shocking one in three have gone as long as three days without washing or wiping their face or body at all.

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