Katie Summers and Rob Black Want To Be Your Pimp: Summers’ Syndicate

Jul 4, 2013
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I wanna start this with, I have no issues with escorting. Ive said this before and im saying it again. My issues have always been with he hypocrites. The ones who throw the stones but live in the glass house. Looking at TRPWL its easy to see were WE stand as far as porn girls and sex work..


Its the sheer hypocrisy of Rob Black and Katie Summers that compels me to post this..

Lately Rob Black has been preaching how girls shouldn’t use a manager, the shouldn’t sign with a talent agency, and they use social networking to get bookings..

This quote is from Gene’s Site

FireShot Screen Capture #020 - 'AdultFYI - The Starr Sisters Bolt LA Direct- The Update; I Talk to Raul' - www_adultfyi_com_read_php_ID=59103

From the outside some of you may think this is Rob trying to help talent..Its not, This is Rob lashing out at Derek and Mark for doing something he couldn’t do..Run a successful business. Remember, Rob Black and Tom Byron said :

“Our management company is not going to play nice,” he admits.

“We don’t play well with others.”

Months later and Hall Of Fame Management is no more

LOL maybe Rob had a had a change of heart…Maybe he really does hate talent management:

Katie Pimping cropped

Summer’s Syndicate? Whats that? Looks like an ad recruiting naked chicks to do naked things..In fact, if you read the job summary it says:

“The syndicate helps models build their name and brand to make them successful”

“Models will be introduced to all the top companies in the adult entertainment world”

I could be wrong, but this sounds suspiciously like talent management..Maybe the ad is really really old

FireShot Screen Capture #023 - 'therobblackshow_com Whois - the rob black show - Who_is' - who_is_whois_therobblackshow_com

The ad lists Robs website on it, Robs website is only 2.5 months old..This is fishy, Rob Black says talent management is a bad idea for talent, but him and his puppet Katie post a talent ad. Even more troubling is the fact that Katie Summers, The same Katie who says her career is in the shitter for something she did 3 years ago, feels like she can help others.

This is the same person who shot with a guy that everyone knew was HIV positive, but not Katie..lol Asking Katie Summers and Rob Black to help you with your career is like asking Desi Foxx to help you keep your daughter from doing porn..It will only end in shame..

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