Shelley Lubben Moves To Springville, Simultaneously Launches GoFundme To Help ‘Girls’

May 23, 2015
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This came across my Google Alerts — 

Shelley Lubben, the pill-popping “rebel prophet" of anti-porn is on the move.

Shelley Lubben, the pill-popping “rebel prophet” of anti-porn is on the move.

There are some who say that God has a plan for us all. Others believe that God, if He exists, is more akin to a kid with an ant farm. Me, I’m just fascinated by coincidences.

Take this set of circumstances, for instance: Shelley Lubben, the disgracedrebel prophet” of anti-porn, places her Bakersfield, Calif. McMansion on the market, and purchases a new home on 13.73 acres in Springville at the very same time that she launches a GoFundMe drive so she can supposedly “continue to help those affected by porn” (whatever that means).

We have urgent financial needs and need YOUR help. This amount is a fraction of what is needed but we trust God to provide and pray those who have been helped by Pink Cross will donate even the smallest amount. ANY gift over $15 will get a FREE Pink Cross bracelet sent to them (continential [sic] U.S. only)  as a thank you. These are brand new never seen before [sic] bracelets.

We have girls waiting to receive services that we cannot afford to give. PLEASE help. $20 would help get the resources in the right hands of 2 different girls.

Now maybe the timing doesn’t sound suspicious on the face of it… until you realize that a veritable swarm of survivors of Pink Cross Foundation (a group that has accomplished absolutely nothing in terms of inhibiting the adult business across the globe) have gone on record to reveal that Shelley Lubben does not spend donations in any significant way on anything but her own and her family’s needs. (For instance, see here, here, here and here.)

The author with Shelley Lubben

The author with Shelley Lubben, January 2011

I’ve been researching the Shelley and her husband Garrett for nearly five years, and I have yet to find a single person who can show that the Lubbens ever bestowed them with anything of value. On the contrary, the consensus is that the Lubbens’ charity drives are designed to benefit only the Lubbens. The group’s tax returns certainly seem to bear this out.

Here’s a shot from Shelley Lubben’s new GoFundMe page:

Front blurred

N0te: unlike Shelley and Garrett Lubben, at TRPWL we blur out the faces of minors

Set aside for a moment that the fundraiser has, obviously, not received much support (only $268 out of $5,000), and just take a look at the photo. Clearly the pic is intended to illustrate the breadth of the individuals attached to the organization. The problem is, however, of the 10 people pictured, two are its operators, Shelley and Garrett; three have fled the group and blown the whistle on the Pink Cross scam (April Garris, back row, far left; Michelle Avanti, front row far left; and Melanie Dzierba, second from right); two are children (Lubben’s and Dzierba’s); and the remaining two men have absolutely nothing to do with the adult business.

That leaves Jan Meza (aka Jan Villarubia), the BBW standing between Avanti and Shelley Lubben. Jan under the name Elizabeth Rollings, shot a handful of BBW porn scenes from 2006-2007 — including such instantly forgettable titles as The World’s Biggest Fattest Cream Pie Gang Bang.

From 'Big Boned'

From ‘Big Boned’

Lubben promotes Meza as one of her great success stories, yet in 2009, Lubben wrote performer Sierra Sinn about how Meza was doing as a “rescued” member of Pink Cross Foundation:

It’s real hard for Jan and her family right now too. She has three kids and they live on a military pay which is nothing, and they are donating plasma just to make it.

All the girls who left porn are all struggling but it is building their character and they are learning to trust in God and He continues to bless them and help them.

Jan was the first donor on Shelley’s GoFundMe page. Her comment says it all:

Jan comment


I’m reminded of a scene in Pygmalion / My Fair Lady, because in Jan’s world, $5 is quite a tidy sum. As this shot of her Las Vegas picnic with her apparently mentally challenged husband Carlitos illustrates, $5 is equivalent to approximately eight packages of Villarubia family luncheon meat.

Jan Meza Husband 2 copy

That’s quite a sacrifice.

Real Property

Back in 2012, the Lubbens sold their first home in Bakersfield (which, like all her subsequent residences, doubled as the “offices” of Pink Cross Foundation.

Lubben prayed there in her inimitable way.


She also enjoyed putting porn star-style make-up on toddlers…


…and issuing heavenly commands in her backyard (her neighbors must’ve loved this):

Ahh, good times.

The house had been purchased for around $300,000, and they made approximately $50,000 or more in improvements to the place, but disgrace came to the Lubbens’ door. Lubben lost her ticket to mainstream press attention, Michael Weinstein of AIDS Healthcare Foundation, who unceremoniously dumped Lubben because she had become “a lightning rod for criticism” due to her lies and “outrageous behavior.”

This behavior reached its apex on the night of April 26, 2011. With her husband, Garrett, home in Bakersfield, Lubben attended a Burbank Porn Star Karaoke benefit clad in an extremely revealing strapless dress. Witnesses reported that Lubben made an inordinate number of trips to the ladies room, and acted intoxicated and manic.

So, in 2012 the Lubbens took a bath on the Elias Ave. house when they listed it at $189,000 – which was about 40 grand below its 2010 market value.®_1325460436879

Nonetheless, the operators of the nonprofit Pink Cross Foundation saw blue skies ahead, and moved in to a new, larger “McMansion” home in Bakersfield that they purchased for approximately $480,000.

Here are some photos of that house on Championship Way as it appeared at the time the Lubbens purchased it:

2 Side view-cropped-Jan 2012

Side view, January 2012


1 At time of purchase - aerial view

Aerial view, 2012

There’s no question in my mind that one of the reasons the Lubbens moved there was the street name “Championship Way”. Lubben was trained by a mini-Joel Osteen named Kevin Gerald at the Champions Centre in Tacoma, Wash. after she moved there with Garrett, her former drug dealer in the 1990s.  Shelley has (insanely) remarked that her old house sitting on Elias Ave bolsters her claim that she is the reincarnated Prophet Elijah, there’s no way she could have ignored the symbolism.

Here’s the pool at the Championship Way property under construction in the summer of 2013

3 summer 2013 Pool construction

And here are photos showing the property as it currently looks, from their recent real estate listing, and other sources. Notice the many tens of thousands of dollars worth of construction and landscaping, including the installation of a waterfall/fountain, a large pool and spa, and the solar panels on the roof:

Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 10.09.52 PM

The room of unspeakable horrors


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Front of the house

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Shelley Lubben at her second Bakersfield address, with an unlucky lop

Shelley Lubben at her second Bakersfield address, with an unlucky lop

Here’s Lubben pushing her self-publihsed book (to little avail) in her backyard:

Home details

Then, misfortune struck. Some might call it divine justice. Not long after moving into their big, costly new spread, Garrett was dumped by his long-time employer.

Garrett, reminded of the feel of Shelley's 8-foot staff between his buttocks

Garrett, reminded of the feel of Shelley’s mighty 8-foot staff between his buttocks

With mainstream interest in her hysterical anti-porn spiel dwindling, the Lubbens attempted teaching sex ed to seniors on the Cracker Barrel circuit to little success. Eventually, the couple decided to sell their Bakersfield money pit.

14921 Championship Way prop profile

Property profile — Click to enlarge

14921 Championship Way Tax bill details

Their ridiculous original listing price was $815,000:

Extended price history

With no takers, they kept dropping their asking price:

Price history

Lubben on the movie

According to Google Alerts, on the same day as this most recent price drop, the Lubbens signed the deed on their new place in Tulare County’s Springville, Calif., population 1000. Sadly this leaves fewer opportunities for toilet papering nearby homes.

New deed

Their new digs also lie about an hour north of Bakersfield — which is to say it’s 2 1/2 hours north of porn valley, the area Lubben has ludicrously called her “mission field”.

As you can see, the Lubbens got the new spread for a song, compared to their old digs:

Prop info crop

Looks like they’ll be saving a bundle on property taxes too:

Tax history

Here are some pics from the property listing:

1 3

I’m guessing another costly remodeling job is coming…


4 5

I’m certain we’ll be seeing remodeling pics from Shelley as fundraisers to help those poor “girls” who’ve been “affected by porn” continue.

This post would not have been possible without the generous contributions of Dr. Cindi Spiegler.

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