Ex-Porn Star Dayna Vendetta on Shelley Lubben

Sep 17, 2014
Adult Business News
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Ex-Porn Star Dayna Vendetta on Shelley Lubben

Ex-adult performer Dayna Vendetta posted this editorial at her website earlier this month, and it is reposted here with her permission.

Shelley Lubben is an anti-porn evangelist and scam artist who runs a nonprofit group called Pink Cross Foundation.

In an account based on her personal experiences, Vendetta pegs Lubben as a fraud and a hypocrite who profits off porn while excoriating it.

Pink Cross has fallen on hard times in recent years — ever since Lubben lost her ticket to mainstream press attention, Michael Weinstein of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Weinstein unceremoniously dumped Lubben because she had become “a lightning rod for criticism” due to her lies and “outrageous behavior.”

This behavior reached its apex on the night of April 26, 2011. With her husband, Garrett, home in Bakersfield, Lubben attended a Burbank Porn Star Karaoke benefit clad in an extremely revealing strapless dress. Witnesses reported that Lubben made an inordinate number of trips to the ladies room, and acted intoxicated and manic.


A photographer caught Lubben having her augmented breast signed by Ron Jeremy, the hirsute porn legend famous for being able to suck his own penis, outside the bar’s toilet – and later that night she placed the winning auction bid for a “date” with him.

Maintstream press equals access to donor dollars, so in the wake of being tossed to the curb by AHF, Lubben has been floundering. Then there were the defections — April GarrisMichelle AvantiSavannah JaneLubben’s own best friend, among many others — all painting the same horrible picture of an out of control egotist and addict with zero concern for the welfare of others.

After failing to get a free ride on Belle Knox’s publicity coattails in June of this year, Lubben tried her hand at a fundraiser scam for adult star Christy Mack in August. Both efforts were huge failures.

Dayna Vendetta also highlights a phenomenon, below, that is one of the things I find most fascinating about Shelley Lubben: instead of winning souls for Christ, Lubben is actually helping turn people off to Christianity — just as others, including other other anti-porn evangelicals, have long warned.

A short interview with Dayna Vendetta follows her story.


Ex-Porn Star Dayna Vendetta on Shelley Lubben

Dayna Vendetta


“It’s only a matter of time before she leaves Christianity and turns back to porn” moans the angry porn obsessed fans.

From the viewers perspective, fans see the women who leave the porn industry for Christianity and try to milk the publicity out of their retirement by selling a predictable stereotype, thus creating for them an unsustainable financial future and even more uncertain mental state.

Many women in porn, including myself, fall into a trap of looking for new life change or a person to save us.

Many women make the conscious decision that they don’t want to do porn any longer but cannot support themselves with just a minimum wage job. This leads them to a vicious cycle of retiring then going back once the money runs out. This cycle also leads many women to low self worth, making them desperate for finding love through Religion, Pimps, abusive relationships and drugs.

In a desperate state to get out of porn, I surfed the web for “how to get out of porn” and came across a youtube video of a former porn star named Shelley Lubben giving a descriptive and tragic testimony of her experiences while in porn, her Christian upbringing and her amazing transformation to her new life as a born again Christian.

I couldn’t stop crying because of the relief I felt when I found another woman who could relate to exactly what I was going through at the time. I felt like if she had gone through a worse situation then mine and got out stronger then ever, there was still hope for me.

Shelley Lubben, a popular Christian anti-porn activist was a rare case of someone who left the porn industry and began an even more profitable career in promoting women to get out of porn by deceiving the public with her embellished mythical tales of how her life was left in a tragic state because of porn.

Excited and ready to leave porn, I reached out to Lubben and told her my story and a few weeks later I received in the mail a copy of her book, her CD, a bracelet, lip gloss and some Christian resources.

Since my full time job was trying to please everyone around me including my Christian parents–I felt like this would be my solution.

At that point, I was ready to be a part of her Christian anti-porn movement team The Pink Cross Foundation because I would rather blame porn for the poor choices I had made then face my own insecurities.

Using Christianity as a cop-out allows those involved to continue to blame someone besides themselves for entering porn and causes them to shift from one impossible standard to another. In porn the women are free to do whatever they want. But if they expect to cross over to the Christian faith they are expected to find a new source of income while practicing abstinence and giving up partying and any use of recreational drugs.

The common problem that often occurs when women leave porn for Christianity is they are never offered real financial help or counseling services for their deep rooted issues–to promote a stable new life so they won’t need to go back to porn.

Since I didn’t feel I needed rehab, I believed joining the Pink Cross Foundation was my only hope for a successful transition out of porn.

After sending several emails to Lubben anther team at Pink Cross Foundation and getting no response back in my time of need, I came to the conclusion that her intention was not really helping women out of porn.

Shelley Lubben

Shelley Lubben

Her tactic was to make it appear like she was really concerned about porn stars overall mental state and health by posting pictures and stories of tragic events that she claims was a result from shooting porn. It made sense that this was her way of making a living off of porn fans to support her lifestyle and she used this as her marketing scheme.

As I began to dig deeper to find the truth about Shelley Lubben the more I realized she was merely hiding behind her negative articles about women in porn using drugs and catching STD’s to keep the negative spotlight off of her own drug and alcohol abuse problem.

Some of the women who have been involved in The Pink Cross Foundation describe it as a means for Lubben to take in donations and get famous. She has repeatedly preyed on the weak and confused women in porn who send her emails about their situations and without consent posts articles using their real names, pictures and embellishing their tragic stories as her means for profit.

If the women decide to retaliate or get angry at her for making a false donation fund [funds from which] they never see, and posting their real names and releasing private and false information to promote her blogs and build her fan base, she threatens, cyber bullies and contacts their families. Meanwhile she and her husband keep all of the non-profit charitable money to support their drug and attention seeking habits.

Shelley and Garrett, rollin' Lubben-style

Shelley and Garrett, rollin’ Lubben-style

Growing up in a Christian household, I already had my doubts and bad experiences with people who gave themselves the title of a “born again Christian”. If I asked my parents for anything related to money or my well-being my parents would tell me to “pray” for God to take care of it. Or if I spoke to my parents about any topic that was not related to Christianity, I was ignored.

I didn’t realize until after I had left the church that in fact Christianity is one enormous cult. Like the majority of organized religions I have encountered, this belief system seems to have originated as a method of fear-based mind control.

How people choose to think, believe, and even act is completely up to them. But I become concerned when a group – any group – has a clear and aggressive mission of subverting and disrupting the rights of other people in an effort to impose its edicts upon the masses.

The core Christian teaching insists that the world is evil, and only those who accept the Christian faith will be saved from eternity in hell.

Anyone who has spent much time with Christians knows very well the policy of conversion this organization practices. In fact they believe God has charged them with the task of turning everyone in the world into a Christian even if their own life does not set a positive example.

After declaring an entity wicked and wayward, Christians will use boycott and even public protest to show disdain for a wide range of institutions. In this case Lubben has appeared at several different health debates and college institutions with an end goal of shutting down the porn industry and all of its evil practices.

But what would to happen Lubben’s career if her goal of shutting down porn actually was reached? Wouldn’t she be out of commission since she technically earns her living off of this multi billion dollar industry?

In my opinion, Christians do not like to take responsibility for their actions so instead they blame their poor decisions they have made on demons, satan, parents, bad influential friends, drugs, etc.

Lubben is quick to blame her Christian parents for making her resort to the adult industry.  Claiming that her father told her to leave and yelled out “Your dead to me” is the description she used which her younger brother claims is completely false. Allegedly, Lubben and her cry for attention started at a young age which lead to her to stripping at 17 with a fake ID which then lead her to escorting and porn.

Lubben tells the world she was raped, force fed drugs, showed up to dirty sets where girls were crying and throwing up, and claims she was possessed by Satan during a gang bang scene.

None of these over-embellished claims are even a close representation of the truth.

Lubben Wonka Meme

I have been in porn for several years on hundreds of different diverse sets and in my experience with the other co-stars, directors, photographers, and crew has always been considerate and respectful.

On set there is a level of professionalism that must be upheld at all times. When a girl shows up to set its usually in a luxurious house or mansion. There is always a crew member who brings her any requested food or drinks, they always have everything she may need for the scene (douches, lubes, baby wipes, towels, body wash, clean linens, water, etc.) her hair and make up artist is provided for her and if anyone does not treat her like a queen on set, she always has the right to leave at any time or call her agent to rip the director a new asshole.

Drugs are in no way permitted on set. Performers who take drugs or drink alcohol do this in privacy or before they show up to set.  If a director can clearly see a performer lethargically high on drugs or reeking of alcohol, they are told to immediately leave the set.

They will not shoot a scene if any performers are incoherent and its been this way for decades. I was NEVER offered any drugs or raped while on set. Since 90% or more of people in the porn business smoke pot that is the only acceptable drug periodically used on set.

The claims Lubben made of her and her co stars snorting meth or being force fed drugs before shooting a scene is something I believe is completely false claim to make her story more impactful, unless of course she got high off her own supply.

In conclusion, Shelley Lubben believes what she is doing is right and this is her calling from God. Those who do not agree with her, including other Christians will be demonized, especially if you disagree with her views.

For more information on Shelley Lubben and her dishonest practice please visit this website I found very informative:


And now, a few words with Dayna Vendetta:

Dayna during her adult film career

Dayna during her adult film career

Thanks for speaking with me.

I really enjoyed watching your series The Devil and Shelley Lubben. Very informative. I’m so sick of her blaming everyone else for her fucked up brain. Blames her parents, porn and the devil for her being a crazy bitch.


I think you nailed it. And I appreciate you watching; thank you. When did you reach out to Shelley Lubben?

I first viewed her testimony on YouTube back in 2011. I sent her an email saying I wanted to quit porn and she mailed me her book, CD, bracelet, and some lip gloss. I returned to porn months later, and when I quit for good in August 2013 I became a Christian and reached out to her ministry. I got no response other then an automated email. I sent Facebook messages to Pink Cross and several emails trying to volunteer.


Did you let her know you were returning to adult back in 2011?

No. I [just] returned months later, when real jobs weren’t paying the bills.


Did you ever receive any response from her or Pink Cross Foundation after August 2013?

I’m on my old Facebook [account]. She responded to my [DM] in 2013. Here is what she said…

[9/9/13] Can you fill out the volunteer form found at her website. Thanks so much God bless you.

I reached out to her again and she responded.

I see you are in Huntington Beach> Would you be able to meet with some of our awesome volunteers who also live there so they can get to know you? We’d love your help! Email me at contact@shelleylubben.com and let me know if you or when you are available. Blessings girl!!

Then I emailed her and never heard back.


I wish I could say I’m surprised. Unless there’s a check attached, she’s not really focused on your letter —  that’s the consensus from Pink Cross defectors.

I figured that. I was trying to offer any set of skills other than money cuz I didn’t have much, and I was ignored.

I figured out before researching that she’d found a way to make money from porn fans without shooting porn. She targets weak guilty porn addicted men.

Lubben, berating chronic masturbator and self-described porn addict Roger Niccum, January 2011

Lubben, berating chronic masturbator and self-described porn addict Roger Niccum, January 2011

She is selling porn and sex to Christians by throwing in “but that’s bad” at the end. She talks endlessly about porn shoots and bodily fluids and rape and gang bangs etc.; walking around with the huge breast implants and more makeup than any three porn stars wear — she traffics in porn for Christian consumption.

I remember questioning why she still looked like that when she claimed to be a Christian. Usually when someone leaves porn they change their identity like I did. I cut my hair, dyed it brown, changed my wardrobe and got as far away from porn as possible.


With Lubben, there’s no “new creation in Christ”…

Definitely not.


 …just a hustler who found a new group to trick

The most successful are the evilest. I’m not into religion anymore, by the way. I only believe in me.


A special thank you to our friend Siri.

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Ex-Porn Star Dayna Vendetta on Shelley Lubben | The Rob Black Website
10 years ago

[…] Ex-Porn Star Dayna Vendetta on Shelley Lubben […]

Ex-Porn Star Dayna Vendetta on Shelley Lubben | Adult WIkiMedia
10 years ago

[…] A photographer caught Lubben having her augmented breast signed by Ron Jeremy, the hirsute porn legend famous for being able to suck his own penis, outside the bar’s toilet – and later that night she …read more     […]

10 years ago

You hit on the head exactly why despite the fact that our program, Sex Workers Anonymous, has been around much longer than Pink Cross, and despite the fact we actually do have a very comprehensive program in place for our members, unlike Pink Cross – we find ourselves under extreme attack by all of these “Christian” groups that seem to have been popping up over the last 10 years. In almost every case, I wind up having to pick up the pieces of the wreckage of not just the damage of our members lives from when they were in the… Read more »

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