How About A Pawlak Family Reunion ?

May 1, 2012
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Have you ever noticed when people don’t have any cards left to play, they resort to bringing family members into it? Foster did it with my kids, baby mamas and mom. Of course I returned the favor – the same way I returned it when the powers that be at PWL decided to use family in their attacks.

Some of you already know the story of the pussy whipped DJ…but here’s a little refresher: Shelley Lubben conned this dypshyt in cutting a vid, basically anointing Shelley Lubben the right hand of god and accusing Michael Whiteacre of being behind PWL. Of course, anyone with a 386 and a internet connection could disprove both of those theories in about 30 seconds. Normally I ignore most of the anti’s attacks on me. At any given time, I’m the subject of blogs on like seven different sites – but this guy’s complete fabrications wore on me.

When I saw Greg Pawlak aka Mace Ravenwolf’s video, I assumed he had been lead astray with thoughts of banging Shelley Lubben. I know what you’re thinking, but when you look like Greg, Shelley is jackoff material. I decided to fire a off a mostly grammatically correct email with a link to the xbiz story on PWL:

Apr 27 (5 days ago)

to gregpawlak
It has come to my attention that you have a youtube video embeded on your website titled “in defense of my friends.” While i certainly have no issue with you guys defending who you consider friends i do have issue with dishonesty…This video makes reference to pornwikileaks aka PWL and refers to Michael Whiteacre as the person behind it..Nothing could be further from the truth..I know this becasue im the guy that was brought in to bring it down..

AVN is one of the more respected online mags in the biz..If you read that article it tells you who was behind PWL, it also tells you who helped bring it down..Michael Whiteacre is one of the people mentioned.

If you watch the vid displayed on your site after reading the link above you can see how completely off base the video is when it comes to PWL…

I’m asking you to remove the vid, or edit the vid to remove the false accusations…Its one thing to stand up for what you feel may be the right thing, but to flat out lie and tie someone to one of the biggest hate sites in the last 5 years is unacceptable….

Thanks for your time

Notice how nice I was? Also, notice I didn’t say anything about Shelley? I only addressed the accusations about Michael. I sent him a link to a story – a story on a very well respected adult website, written by one of the most popular pornstars in the world.

If you read that article, the following can be said without doubt. First, Michael Whiteacre had nothing to do with PWL other then being instrumental in bringing it down. Even Whiteacre’s nemesis Mike South can verify this. Second, Michael Whiteacre and Shawn Thompson are two different people. So, after getting this email, What does pussy whipped DJ dickhead do? He issues this statement on his YouTube page:


So this guy wants to bring up ex wives and parents? Ok bitch, we can play that game.


That’s me and Whiteacre with like 6 others. But if you need further confirmation, ask my newest friend on facebook.

We can keep this up. We did our due diligence days ago…every single person in your circle. How about a Pawlak family reunion?

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Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

For a guy who thinks I was behind PornWikiLeaks, he sure has an easy way with emulating their tactics. What a scumbag. Regarding the libelous claim in his video that I’ve paid off women (he calls them “girls”) who had been affiliated with Shelley Lubben to get them to lie on the record, I think it says a lot about what integrity is worth to Greg Pawlak/Mace Ravenwolf that he thinks people would jump at selling their own for $1,000. Also, I have never been charged or even arrested for Assault & Battery, or Narcotics, and I have never had… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

fostard must be slipping. i’m fairly certain she claimed this slander spewing DJ was a ‘nice guy’ or perhaps it was a ‘good guy’ …no matter. clearly, she meant to place him in her ‘old fat white dude’ category.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

On case you’re wondering about Greg Pawlak’s educational background., from

Memphis Bible College
Associate, Christian Psychology (1995 – 1997)

Concord Career Institute
Associate, Computer Programming (1991 – 1993)

Note the spelling of “Concord” in his LinkedIn bio. Not “Concorde” which is a genuine, accredited school.

A list of accredited colleges in Tennessee:

Can anybody tell me what the fuck is “Christian Psychology?” In his video, douchebag Greg references “wounded dog syndrome” — a psych theory that doesn’t actually exist.

And, if you’re looking for a douche-bag for your next project, look no farther than Greg Pawlak

Anthony Kennerson
12 years ago

WOW. This dude Ravenwolf must have gotten the full treatment from Shelley in order to lie like this. One caveat, Sean…that notice DJTheDickhead wrote on his channel is dated April 22nd, which means that he must have posted that right when he posted his original video. Still, if he wanted proof that you and Whiteacre were seperate sentinent beings, he could have simply emailed me. That would have taken, like 10 seconds. And also..even if it was a fact that Michael had paid Maddy, Sierra, April, and the other whistleblowers $1G to rat Shelley out, it still would have been… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

No, Anthony, April 22 is the date of the video posting, not the updated video info with the PWL-style personal info included. That was apparently done sometime in the last 24 hours (video detail updates are not dated on YouTube). As for the women in question (not “girls” as he and Shelley condescendingly refer to them), and their testimony, the tactics these scumbags use to discredit them are truly revolting. It’s as though they are saying, “These performers are wonderful, honest, reliable, trustworthy people when they say what Shelley wants them to say, but should they ever speak against Shelley… Read more »

12 years ago

I watched this Greg’s video, & wondered where he was getting his information from. If Shelly is lying & manipulating Greg, I hope he soon realizes.

Also, Greg had no right to post private information about Michael, regardless of what lies Shelly filled his head with. Posting information like that could not only put Michael in danger, but his family also.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago
Reply to  Carrie

What we see with Shelley & Garrett Lubben and Greg Pawlak are the actions of desperate low-life criminals, and their idiot stooges.

Her Garrett, you’re next, buddy. There’s a reason why, on the Porn Harms webcast, Shelley made a point of mentioning that you are responsible for doing the Pink Cross books. She also has you sign the tax returns. You’re the patsy, dummy.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

Mace can’t forgive, can’t forget.

You’re not alone Mace.

12 years ago

I love how Michael goes down the list of “Shelley’s house” of people like Game of Thrones…I’m excited.

Michael Whiteacre (@mrwhiteacre)

See @TRPWL @jordanowen42 and @mrwhiteacre Take a Huge Steaming Ravenwolf All Over Greg Pawlak

Mercedes Ashley (@mercedes_ashley)
Mercedes Ashley (@mercedes_ashley)
12 years ago

How About A Pawlak Family Reunion ? – You ever notice when people don’t have any cards left to play they resort to

Michael Whiteacre (@mrwhiteacre)

Shelley Lubben Is Now Using A Bitchboy DJ Who Looks Like A Fat Beaver via @trpwl

Vijay Dasgupta
Vijay Dasgupta
12 years ago

This Mace Ravenwolf does not seem like an honorable man. What he did can cause identity theft. Identity theft is not a joke. Millions of families suffer every year.

Anthony Kennerson
12 years ago

Michael…point well taken. I misread the caption above the message. And, I forgot that people can update their descriptions. DUH.

Having been a victim of false flagging, I’m not too keen on doing such things..but if ever there was a legitimate cause for flagging, this is it. Doc dropping is one thing; doc dropping and libel is something else entirely.


Why DJRavenwolf Is The Wile E. Coyote Of Doc Droppers (Or, The Latest Ministress Lubben Grand MEGAFAIL) | Red Garter Club Blog (Version 3.2)
12 years ago

[…] to ultimately bring the Ministress and her cult empire down to meet justice. As he elaborated in a comment he posted to […]

Why DJRavenwolf Is The Wile E. Coyote Of Doc Droppers (Or, Ministeress Lubben’s Latest MegaFAIL) | The SmackDog Chronicles (Ver. 2.6)
12 years ago

[…] to ultimately bring the Ministress and her cult empire down to meet justice. As he elaborated in a comment he posted to […]

12 years ago

Isn’t your famous quote “Only pussies dial 911”?

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

Greg gets Maced Again: - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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