Hey Guys-
It’s the day before the election and while some of you might be split on your choice, or lack of choice for this presidential run, I think we can all agree that whoever is reading this blog likes porn- and more importantly- LIKES ME!!! With that being said, if you have any concern for me being able to keep doing what I am doing, or, pornography in general, then please vote NO on Measure B ( if you vote in Los Angeles county).
Measure B is funded by the Aids Healthcare Foundation and if it passes everyone who shoots porn in Los Angeles will be required to wear condoms, dental dams, gloves and a whole bunch of completely non-erotic shit you do not want to see on camera.
If the law passes, government officials are going to scour Los Angeles and go to every porn set they find and hand out outrageous fines and possibly 6 months imprisonment to anyone on set. It’s quite scary, not to mention a huge waste of tax payer money and resources.
I’ve been in porn for quite some time and feel 100% safe with the testing procedures and standards the adult industry holds itself to. It’s a hell of a lot safer than most of the promiscuous sex that goes on in this world. In addition to that, adult companies and performers deserve a choice to shoot condom only and /or work for condom only companies. This choice should not be made by a bunch of people who aren’t in porn. It’s unjust to be threatened with jail time unless I follow a bogus health code set by someone who has never been on a porn set.
To make a long story short, Measure B isn’t going to help anyone in the porn industry; it’s going to cost taxpayers a lot of money and waste a lot of time – time I could be using to make more porn for you all of you to see!