Talent Beware: Someone Pretending to Be ‘Double View Casting’ Writing Bogus Checks UPDATED

Feb 13, 2018
Adult Business
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Tyler Rodgers

Someone sent me this email vie email..

There’s a guy working out of a shit hole studio in Hollywood who is scamming girls into shooting porn and not paying them.

He posts ads on SexyJobs among other sites to lure girls in claiming to work for “Double View Casting” which is his cover because they’re located in London.  He goes by the name “Marc Winters”.

He tells them they have to do a shoot in the morning and another one in the evening but they don’t get paid until after the evening shoot.  They do the first shoot and then is nowhere to be found for the second shoot.

He has them provide their ID and sign a model release.  When he gets into a situation where he has to provide some kind of payment to the girl he writes them a fake check under “PVR Payment Services”.

His studio is located at:
1617 N. El Centro Ave
Hollywood Ca.


I’m told that check didn’t clear.  A quick search of the routing number at the bottom of the check shows even that is fake..

Here’s one of the ads he placed on Sexy Jobs:

A picture of the studio he uses :

I told he drives a silver Lexus and sometimes goes by the nickname of “Drod” as well as the name Marc Winters.

I’ve reached out to the number provided in the ad but have to get a response.

The emailer provided a real name an picture and once I’ve confirmed, I will update this post..

UPDATE: 3 different girls have all ID’d Tyler Rodgers as the guy claiming to be Marc Winters

Tyler Rodgers


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Throat Puncher
Throat Puncher
7 years ago

If there are other girls that can prove they to where also screwed over and ripped off by this pos dirt bag I encourage you to speak up and help spread the message warning other girls about Tyler aka Marc Winter or whatever the hell your other fake names are, and his scam. Tyler….I forgive you….for what you’re about to be calling me when you get slapped like the spineless shady little bitch you are in court after we get done with you. I don’t even care about the money, burn it for all I care…its a small price to… Read more »

7 years ago

His wife looks pretty hot. She will be missed.


7 years ago

I am trying to put into words the feelings I have had for months because of this dirt bag, and all I can say is I hope any female that Tyler Rodgers did this to comes forward. You shouldn’t be silenced and your not alone. Tyler Rodgers I forgive you too, but KARMA is a bitch and her bite is a hell of a lot bigger then her bark. All I hope for you is that get exactly what you deserve for being such a piece of shit and that any female you did this gets justice . ALL I… Read more »

7 years ago

I emailed you about this guy ripping last year and you didnt run the story! The girls that got ripped off can thank you for helping them out. I gave you plenty of details including the guys address, phone number and screencaptures of their converstations and the phone numbers of girls that were ripped off. I’m not sure why you decided to run the story now but its important to understand that this guy is a criminal. Fake checks for porn scenes is considered rape and when I emailed you last year about this guy I also send information about… Read more »

He’s Fucked
He’s Fucked
7 years ago

He can’t be sitting in prison because he just scammed a girl last weekend at that studio. His thing is he hard throat fucks them for several hours.

Burn Him
Burn Him
7 years ago

Someone needs to PM his wife on FB.

7 years ago

Tyler Rodgers is using a bunch of different porn names including John King and Marc Winters. I talked to a few more girls that received fake checks from Mr. Rodgers and after showing them his facebook page they confirm its the guy in the pictures.

If you got ripped off from Tyler Rogers theres a lawyer that would like to speak to you about this issue. His name James R. Felton and he’s with the law firm of Greenberg and Bass(greenbass.com). His number is 818.382.6200

Stop Him
Stop Him
7 years ago

How long has he been doing this to girls?

7 years ago

Tyler Rodgers aka John King aka Marc Winters is yet another scammer preying on porn girls. The last guy to try that was a guy named Blaise Christie who’s currently serving 16 years in California state prison: https://www.ocregister.com/2016/02/11/garden-grove-man-pleads-guilty-in-sex-assaults-after-craigslist-ads/ https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/california/Police-Seek-Additional-Information-in-Arrest-of-OC-Man-Who-Met-Sexual-Assault-Victims-Through-Craigslist-281854391.html Maybe Tyler Rodgers and Blaise Christie can be cellmates? Or they can give Bubba the “double salad tossing” treatment. I have not found any of Tyler Rogers videos online yet but I’m looking. Here is one of Blaise Christies videos and yes he gave the model a fake check afterwards: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a8306e3a31ac&t=4 16 years is a long time and in California rapists… Read more »

Sinful KARMA
Sinful KARMA
7 years ago

Who knows how many but as it sits we have enough evidence just in witnesses alone that it doesn’t matter how many he ripped off what matters is that there won’t be any more! Tyler might as well chop his own dick off since he be getting anymore use out of it. Thank you Keri for posting helpful information on this. Its sad that he is using his wifes name to cover his paper trail that’s how I miraculously was able to track down his facebook profile, I was looking for a male Devon so when I saw a wedding… Read more »

Bend Over Fuckstick
Bend Over Fuckstick
7 years ago

I think these guys are watching too many “Casting Couch” videos and really believe the girls aren’t getting paid.

The girl in this article that got the fake check just moved to LA and this was her first video. Nice introduction to the adult industry there Tyler. Now it’s your time to be on the receiving end of rape. Who knows, you might enjoy it ?

Sinful KARMA
Sinful KARMA
7 years ago

Couldn’t agree with you more!! I don’t know the other girls personally aside from the one I was put in contact with because I told someone from SexyJobs about what happened and they said “wait that sounds like the same thing that happened to (we’ll call her M.) M. and that address sounds familiar let me call her and ask if its the same guy.” It was and so we exchanged info and I set the ball rolling. Called in a favor and let the attack dogs loose. My fuel in this comes from hearing M talk about what he… Read more »

Go Sinful!
Go Sinful!
7 years ago

Don’t worry Sinful KARMA, you and the other girls will get justice.

People don’t always get what they want but they always get what they deserve!

Any News?
Any News?
7 years ago

Any news on this guy?

7 years ago

No news is probably a good thing atm. Least we not hearing of him ripping anyone else off. Hopefully next time his name gets mentioned is cause someone is linking his mugshot of shame…pos

6 years ago

? he got me back in August

Phoenix Dawn
Phoenix Dawn
6 years ago

The fake check in the picture is mine . This guy needs to get caught . I’m Phoenix Dawn btw and I am not ashamed of speaking up against someone so heartless. Any updates or anything???? I will make sure no other female performer will have to go through this trauma and pain. I almost abandoned my career choice. Ive had nightmares and many tears due to this fraudulent prick. I do not appreciate working on false pretenses and being manipulated! I do love my adult industry and we are losing Potential talent because of bad experiences and liars like… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Phoenix Dawn

Good on you for offering to help others. Being a sub contractor in the construction business i’ve dealt with some real shady fuckers. There’s always a risk of not getting paid almost every job but after learning (the hard way) i now know what to look for. Being informed and aware is key and helping spread the word helps more then most people know. My biggest loss was 14 grand my forth or fifth year in. Companies have no obligation to pay for up to 30 days so i worked for a month for free basically. Knowing about these companies… Read more »

6 years ago

I finally found a lawyer willing to help! His email is jeff_bulldog@yahoo.com . Ladies please email him ASAP! The DA here in LA informed me that we have to go through small claims- such bs but we can fight together.

I emailed the other lawyer many times and no response so I got us another one . Please please stand with me ! I know it’s scary and I don’t know the outcome of any of this but I do know that he needs to pay for the harm he has caused .

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