Did OC Modeling Pull A Jack Move On Elaina Raye ??? And Who’s The Preggo Porn Talent ?

Mar 15, 2012
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Elaina Raye says OC Modeling received gifts off her wish list but neglected to notify her or forward them to her.. Or to put it another way…They stole them….

And from the world of Shy Love:

Anyone know who shes talking about? If you let me know today ill make sure to get you on Monica Fosters Alien hit squad list

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Just a dude
Just a dude
12 years ago

Thats what she gets, I told her KARMA was a bitch and now shes using it? Hahaha she should be Black listed

12 years ago

She is too nice a girl to make this up. I feel bad for her. I hope she gets it all back. It was bought and paid for by fans as gifts to her, not her agency.

Night Moves
Night Moves
8 years ago

Shy Love chimes in on this topic on twitter!!!
Shy love the thief ? Shy Love the single most hated person in porn today ? and arguably the most hated in the history of porn.
This unlicensed and cannot ever get a bond and tax evader scoundrel ? ooh really
What a con artist
She is irrelevant and opportunistic. I say this because she only toss under a bus a fellow agent because Shy Love believes her rogue fraud agency which sounds like a low end hooker front outfit

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