Porn ‘Insider’ Mike South’s Sources Are Stupid Or Non-Existent

Mar 11, 2014
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Humiliated Blogger Mike South Edits Post After Receiving Letter From Attorney of Man He Defamed

Porn’s biggest know-it-all blowhard embarrasses himself…again

As many of you may know, there’s a fella out in Georgia named Mike South who fancies himself the ultimate adult business insider.

In reality, South is guy who failed as a porn agent in the 1990s, and got fired from his only professional directing gig before the movie was even released, but managed to win an AVN award for Best Amateur Video before settling in to a career as porn’s least factual gossip blogger.

Mike South: They're after me traffic! -- Porn 'Insider' Mike South's Sources Are Stupid Or Non-Existent

Mike South

One of South’s hallmarks is his citing of anonymous, supposedly well-placed sources for his rants.

In February, South emailed Christian Mann — a 30-year veteran of the adult business who currently serves as general manager for John Stagliano‘s company, Evil Angel — with a kind of friendly warning.

The backstory of this email is fascinating: the previous September, Mann had written South to set him straight on some matters he had gotten egregiously wrong (repeatedly) on his gossip site.

Naturally, South refused to run Mann’s email correcting him. But TRPWL did.

Here is Mike South’s recent email to Christian Mann:

From: Mike South <>
Date: Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 12:10 PM
Subject: OSHA
To: Christian Mann <>

I know you think i am and enemy and as far as the fsc goes that is correct BUT

I have credible info that Kink was targeted by OSHA partially because of Cameron bay and partially because of Peters position on The FSC Board

I also have info that EA is next because of your seat on The FSC Board

Do as you will with this info…just a heads up….

best Wishes man



Sounds reasonable, right? — South hears from one of his ‘credible’ sources that Evil Angel is going to be targeted with a Cal/OSHA investigation, and he quietly gives them a heads-up. Sounds downright neighborly. Semi-literate, perhaps, but neighborly.

Except for one little thing… Evil Angel had already been under investigation since August 2013.

If South had any reliable sources on the matter, obviously they would have known this.

Moreover, if his ‘sources’, or South himself, had done a simple Establishment Search on the OSHA website back in February, they could have seen the inspection report.

The obvious conclusion is that Mike South’s sources are either stupid or non-existent.

Last week, South ran a story on his site slamming adult producer ATK. The piece mentioned a female performer and cited her Twitter account as the basis to conclude that ATK had flown three girls to Las Vegas to shoot, and put them up at the Bellagio.

When the performer notified South via Twitter that he had made assumptions and gotten the story wrong, South’s limp-wristed demurrer was that the post had been a reader email… and unless she was willing to go on record (whatever that means — she tweeted him publicly) the story would stand.

TRPWL made two phone calls and was able to verify from separate sources that: there were not three models, they did not stay at the Bellagio (they merely visited the fountains there), and they did not fly.

This process literally took three minutes.

The fact that South remains unwilling to do legitimate fact-checking or even to correct his false and misleading report should come as no surprise — he does it all the time. Remember when he posted an escort ad of a woman who happened to use the same name as one of the HIV-infected performers from last year?

The obvious conclusion to be drawn is that South doesn’t care; rather, he wants to muddy up Google searches with negative information about people, often outing their legal names as well.

He’d rather lie.

The irony is, he’s still pretending to be better than a certain other axe-grinding crackpot who lives thousands of miles from porn valley yet feels compelled to tell everyone in the adult world how to do their jobs.

Mike South and Donny Long aren’t two sides of the same coin, they’re the same side of the same coin.

Mike South email to Christian Mann proves 'insider' South's sources are stupid or non-existent

Mike South’s neighborly email to Christian Mann


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Porn ‘Insider’ Mike South’s Sources Are Stupid Or Non-Existent | The Rob Black Website
10 years ago

[…] Porn ‘Insider’ Mike South’s Sources Are Stupid Or Non-Existent […]

10 years ago

South’s only goal is self promotion. There is a real reason that his blog was second rate compared to Alkie Gene and LIB. He don’t care about facts, and no one in porn has cared about him since he skulked back to a hole in the wall apartment in Georgia after flopping in LA. All that said, you shouldn’t waste any bandwidth on him, certainly not by name. If the rubes who read his site and comment there are too stupid to see him for what he is, they will never be swayed. They are the “OJ is innocent” and… Read more »

Anthony Kennerson
10 years ago

Well, you can say this about Mary Sunshi…..errrrrrr, Mr. South: at least he admitted from his “sources” that the CalOSHA “investigation” was/is a politically motivated scam from AHF done to smear Peter Acworth and the FSC and further promote AHF’s condom mandate. At least, that what he openly infers with his attempted “leak”.

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

Hmm. I doubt that came from any source, since South tends to invent those as needed. It’s merely an obvious connect-the-dots conclusion unsourced by anyone, the stock-in-trade of gossip mongers.


[…] the years, Georgia gossip blogger and amateur pornographer Mike South has opposed every system of adult performer testing protocols and test result verification […]


[…] pornographer Mike South has refused to specifically address any of the very serious charges that have been leveled at him […]


[…] month, we were forwarded some emails between porn gossip blogger Mike South and his inner circle of pseudonymous contributors. One email from South, with the  subject line […]

10 years ago

What Movie did he do to win an AVN award? What a fucken joke that is. Lol.


[…] counterpart Mike South then used the piece to not only slam James Deen — “We used to send up monkeys but even […]


[…] June 25, the semi-literate South lived up to his reputation as the world’s least factual blogger when he ran the following on his gossip […] - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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