Top 5 Guys In Porn Abandon Mike South: Defense Fund Update

Dec 7, 2016
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Mike South, the guy who once proclaimed on that he could rally 200-300 people to a Cal/Osha meeting seems to have lost his touch.

After someone filed a defamation suit against him, and all of his pathetic threats of exposing certain people in porn didn’t work. Mike, “I shoot with condoms and it hasn’t hurt my sales one bit” South launched a GoFundMe.. It wasn’t long after that, that Mike “20,000 people read my site everyday” South tweeted the link.

That tweet was sent out on Dec 5th, and sat at the top of his timeline for 48 hours..It got exactly zero retweets…Maybe he needs to ask those 200-300 people for a re-tweet..

A few years ago, South, again citing unnamed people, said that his name came up almost as much as Larry Flynts, taking it a step further, he then claimed someone also said they didn’t know who the top 5 guys in porn were, but 4 of them probably send Mike South Christmas cards..

The only thing South gets in the mail are medical collection notices…You know, from that time “Manwin” tried to kill him.. LOL Another South story..

Maybe those top 5 guys are unaware of Michael Thomas Strother’s legal issues..

I’ve gone over the donation list looking for the names of the top 5 guys in porn, Larry Flynt, Peter Acworth, Mark Spiegler, John Stagliano and Rick Madrid, Not one of them has donated to Mike South..In fact, the bottom 5 haven’t donated either, my “sources” tell me not one single person has donated..And dont ask me who my source is, he/she is rock solid

Maybe he should use that “know how and the political science education” he claims to have to help motivate people to donate to his legal defense..


South, don’t mind that knock on your door, its just lawsuit number 2..

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The Ghost of Tom South
The Ghost of Tom South
8 years ago

South’s boast re: his power and (hilariously) his poli sci background came as a result of Michael Whiteacre holding his feet to the fire. Whiteacre and Danny Wylde were the architects of the huge performer turn-out. South’s claims about how passage of the draconian Cal/OSHA regs were a forgone conclusion are equally funny in retrospect, seeing as how the agency dropped its plans and is starting from scratch following yet another strong turnout from adult performers. All it took was a little needling from Whiteace to send South down this trail… Mike South June 7, 2011 at 6:30 p –… Read more »

8 years ago

He’s got a Bottom 5er now, Miss Coco Loco donated $13. I would guess next up Desi Foxx is going to mail him $6 in food stamps and maybe Lubben will donate some magic beans. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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