The Urban X Awards Are A “Popular And Legitimate Event” James Bartholet Vote Now

Aug 28, 2017
Adult Business News
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It’s been said that the only reason I’ve been writing about the Urban X awards is because I’m a racist.  The Urban X PR guy James Bartholet has told more then one person, even my buddy India hinted at that on her blog.. That has to be the reason right?

Why would someone even tweet that? How many times has Peter Warren tweeted that?  When your popular and legitimate you dont have to tell people you are popular and legitimate.

Legitimate awards shows don’t remove someone from the fan voting because they don’t like what the talent tweets, ask Daya Knight about that.

How many times have “legitimate” award shows threatened and bullied talent?  Does AVN text girls and tell them if they dont show up to AVN they can forget about winning an award?   Urban X does…

Urban X is so popular and legitimate that had to change the awards voting deadline 3 times.   After the first voting deadline passed, the winners were auto published. 

How did the popular and legitimate Urban X awards show respond to that? They said they were “hacked”  Yes, Urban X is so popular and legitimate that the same hackers that rigged the US election decided Urban X needed to be stopped… I’m sure thats what happened. I know for a fact it wasn’t the WordPress Poll plugin they used. It’s just a coincidence that those poll plugins auto publish the results when the voting ends.. Nope it was hackers.. I bet one day, some NSA guy is gonna move to Cuba and release the Urban X files.. A secret computer file that details the involvement of several high level racist’s efforts to ruin the popular and legitimate Urban X awards..

They are so popular and legitimate that after publicly trashing Greg Lanksy, they took his money.  You would think when you’re a popular and legitimate URBAN awards show you wouldn’t have to take money from someone you view as racist..

Did you know that the popular and legitimate Urban X awards awarded Lansky with Director of the Year? 

Only problem with that is there wasn’t any voting for Director of the Year, Lansky’s Blacked Studio also Won Studio of the Year.

In fact, Lansky got 4 awards, not one of them was voted on.. Guess how many awards the fans gave him? NONE…

I’m curious, how does someone go from being a “racist’ to winning 4 URBAN X AWARDS?   Ehhh, who cares, the Urban X Awards are popular and legitimate..

Did you know that the popular and legitimate Urban X Awards awarded Venus Lux with Best TS Release for”Venus Lux’s Fantasies 4″ ?
Cool huh? Expect one small thing, that movie came out August 15th, 2 days before voting ended.. But, there was no voting on  So the popular and legitimate Urban X award show organizers decided that out of all the TS releases, a movie that had only been out for 72 hours was the best of the best of the best ..Sounds totally legitimate.

Here’s one of my favs. The popular and legitimate Urban X awards show nominated Brandi Bae for an Award.. Who’s that you ask?  Well she may or may not be dating one of the people who run the show. Well TRPWL, that means nothing, after all, the Urban X awards are popular and legitimate, if they wanna nominate a girl who’s only shot 1 IR scene and only has 7 scenes total, I’m sure they have good reason….After all, they are popular and legitimate..

Those are just a few of the things that have popped up involving the popular and legitimate Urban X Awards…

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If this poll auto publishes anything it means it was hacked..its not the plug in

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Claim jumper
Claim jumper
7 years ago

Fucking hilarious, even if the popular and legitimate, blogging god, might be a racist, who couldn’t POSSIBLY defeat Spider Man’s hairy vagina! - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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